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‘Okay, now for the best bit!’ Heidi announced, clapping her hands in delight. ‘It’s time to try on our costumes! Come on, Kat and Eleni are waiting for us inside, where it’s a little more private.’

Suzie followed Heidi and the other women into Heidi and Ana’s apartment – the blast of air-conditioning a welcome respite from the late afternoon heat that had accumulated in the courtyard – and she couldn’t help but laugh as she was almost knocked to the ground in the unseemly dash to get to the silver clothes rail that she’d seen Katerina and Eleni wheeling into the courtyard earlier.

‘Oh, Kat, these are simply gorgeous, darling,’ said Robyn, holding up a long, diaphanous dress made from blue-green chiffon printed with a swirl of gold. ‘Did you design them yourself?’

‘I did, and not just the dresses, but the fabric, too. It’s inspired by the colours I see every day here on Santorini, using printing techniques I learned during my training at art school. Try it on! It’ll go perfectly with your fabulous eye makeup. Suzie, I’ve made this for you.’

Not one for dresses, Suzie was both relieved and delighted when Katerina handed her a pair of lightweight dungarees made from the softest cotton in a rich dark red with sand-coloured splashes that she knew were a nod to the beaches in the south of the island. When she tried them on, she wasn’t surprised to find they fit her like a glove and the whoosh of confidence she’d felt earlier, edged up a notch.

‘Oh, Kat, I love them. Thank you so much.’

‘And Heidi, this is for you.’

Heidi stared at the garment on the padded clothes hanger Katerina was holding. The short, skimpy sun dress, in a rich sunflower yellow fabric, had spaghetti straps and a wide ruffle around the hem with a confection of pink and white butterflies embroidered across the bust. It matched her sunny, upbeat, slightly flighty personality to a tee.

‘Thank you, Kat,’ Heidi whispered, her words full of emotion.

But it was when Katerina produced Miranda’s dress that everyone had tears in their eyes. In order to fulfil Miranda’s dream of learning how to do various dances in the places they originated – to live music and wearing the local attire – Katerina had created a stunning white column dress, embroidered with gold thread in the familiar Greek key pattern with a matching gold sash tied around the waist.

‘Do you like it?’

‘Like it? Iloveit!’

‘I’m sorry it’s not thetraditionalcostume of the island, which is layers and layers of white petticoats with a thick, heavily embroidered, woollen waistcoat and a headscarf. I knew it wouldn’t suit you but, more importantly, it would hinder your ability to really enjoy the dancing, which is what tonight is all about.’


Miranda pulled Katerina into her arms, clearly overwhelmed by her friend’s thoughtfulness, and while she wiped away her tears, Katerina and Eleni handed Ana and Diana their own outfits to gasps of delight and noisy excitement; Ana’s a similar style to Heidi’s but in bougainvillea pink, and Diana’s a knee-length tea dress, nipped in at the waist, in a rich olive green. They looked like they were ready to attend a royal garden party, not a Greek dance class at the local taverna.

‘Okay, guys, it’s time to go,’ said Heidi, after touching up Ana’s cerise-coloured eye makeup. ‘We don’t want to keep Giorgos waiting, do we?’

Chapter Eighteen

‘Did you invite Christos?’ Katerina asked, as they made their way along the main road into Oia and towards the pathway that led toTaverna Giorgos.‘I can’t wait to meet him.’

‘Yes, I did, but he’s got a booking for a sunset cruise tonight with a couple who are celebrating their honeymoon. He said he’d try to come over afterwards, but it depends on how many photographs the newly-weds want to take, and how many bottles of Champagne they want to enjoy after the sun has faded from the sky. Did you talk to Stefanos?’

‘Didn’t have to. Giorgos forgot about a dinner reservation he’s taken for tonight so Stefanos has agreed to cover for him – in the kitchenandin the restaurant – so Giorgos can concentrate on our dance session.’

‘Are you going to talk to him?’

‘Maybe.’ Katerina sighed. ‘Heidi, do you think Nathan will come?’

‘I’m confident he won’t be able to resist the opportunity to dance with me!’

As the taverna came into view, Suzie could hear the soft strains of live bouzouki music floating through the air and was thrilled when she stepped onto the veranda and saw that three of Giorgos’ friends – who frequented the taverna every evening to playtavliand partake in a glass or two of ouzo – were the source. She didn’t recognise any of the instruments they were playing, but the trio were clearly accomplished musicians.

While the indoor part of the restaurant still housed the eclectic mix of tables and chairs – one of which was occupied by another group of Giorgos’ friends, whose talents clearly lay in wine-consumption rather than bouzouki-playing – the veranda had been cleared to create a makeshift dance floor and the band’s raised podium, which was attractively framed by the leafy pergola. It was strange to see the space so empty, but Suzie was relieved that meant there wouldn’t be an audience to witness her first attempt at Greek dancing.

‘Kalispera, my friends!’ Giorgos said as he rushed forward to greet everyone with exuberant cheek kisses, taking his time to compliment each of them in turn on their outfits and their “striking” makeup. He looked even more handsome than usual in a pair of beautifully pressed black trousers, a crisp white shirt open at the collar, and a dark blue sash tied around his waist, which Suzie noticed was the same costume worn by the band members.

Stefanos emerged from the kitchen carrying a platter of mezze, which he placed on the bar, before taking a couple of bottles of white wine from the fridge, dropping them into a cooler, and adding a collection of wine glasses, along with a jug of iced water, for people to help themselves to. Suzie decided she was going to stick with the latter.

‘Okay, are you ready for your lesson?’ asked Giorgos, beaming.

‘Yes,’ came the cheerful response.

The band took their cue and began to play a slow melody. Giorgos stepped forward, offered Miranda his hand, dipped his head, and invited her to join him. Her cheeks coloured slightly, but her eyes sparkled as she took his proffered hand and allowed him to guide her to the middle of the dance floor.
