Page 30 of Steel

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He got why Kai was asking. It was confusing as all hell. He didn’t know what the hell they were doing except the sex. That part was obvious. That was why he’d just said that. It was the truth, but maybe not the whole truth.

His heart and head were warring over this whole thing. He liked Kai. A lot more than he’d ever thought he could. But he couldn’t forget what he was. Maybe he was being a hypocrite, but he couldn’t help how he felt.

He lifted the pan off the stove and tilted it to let the sizzling bacon slide off it and onto the plates he’d setout for them.

They sat down at the table and ate in silence. He was busy shoving bacon down his throat when he noticed Kai’s gaze on him. Kai was looking at him with something in his eyes he wasn’t sure he’d ever seen directed at himself before.

He swallowed the piece of bacon in his mouth and licked his lips before asking, “What?”

Kai worried his bottom lip for a second, then leaned back in his chair.

“Why are you really helping me?”

If he hadn’t already swallowed that bacon, he would’ve choked on it. Instead, he choked on the air and ended up coughing.

“Why do you ask?” he managed to get out.

Kai’s brows lowered.

“You can’t get out of my question by asking another question.”

Steel felt a breath escape him.

That was exactly what he’d hoped he could do. Shit.

“I uh… I…”

“Your answer won’t be, ‘because you care about me,’ will it?” Kai asked, gaze dropping to the table. “It’s just because you’re a decent person.”

Steel felt a lump form in his throat. A big one that hurt.

Kai pushed his chair back and stood, avoiding Steel’s gaze as he said, “You don’t have to stay for me. I promise I won’t get into trouble.”

He watched Kai walk away, his mouth opening and closing but no words coming out.

What the hell just happened?


He was way too involved. A certain part of him that had been closed off for over a decade was way too involved. His heart needed to take a hike. He was pissed at it. How dare it make him feel this way?

He couldn’t deal with it.

Not on top of everything else.

He’d happily forgotten that his life was fucking over. Steel’s dick had to be magical. Otherwise, how the hell could he have forgotten the hit out on him? How could he forget that they were in this house because he needed a place to hide and a new identity? He’d gotten his new ID yesterday. He could’ve left then. Steel could’ve left, too.

Neither of them had, though he surmised it was for very different reasons. Whereas he didn’t want to leave, he figured Steel simply felt too responsible to go. The orgasms were just a bonus, right?

Who didn’t want to fuck their brother’s almost-murderer?

He released a big sigh and dropped face-first onto his bed.

Whatever this was, this lust, love—nope. Not love. Love wasn’t welcome here—it was making him want all kinds of things he’d never thought he’d have nor want. Steel was making him want them. Fuck him very much.


Urgh. Why?
