Page 6 of Undone

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A tingle travels down my spine when she presses her face into my chest. I try my best to ignore it, “What did you do?”

Blowing out a long breath, I answer honestly, “I worked out. I still do. You don’t just wake up one day and never have a craving again.”

She gazes at me, “You must have a lot of cravings with a body like that.”

I chuckle, “I did for a long time. It’s been fifteen years now, so I only occasionally have a craving. It’s become manageable. I don’t think they ever completely go away.”

She starts gagging, so I get up and lift her in my arms and carry her to the bathroom. After helping her to her knees over the toilet, I hold her hair back, “I’ve got you, Princess. It’s going to be okay.”

Ivy vomits several times before she says, “I’m done.”

I help her up and put my arm around her waist, helping her over to the sink. She turns on the water and splashes her face.

“Here.” I hand her a toothbrush. Ivy glances at me questioningly in the mirror, “Is this yours?”

Gazing back at her, I say, “No. I bought this for you. I knew you’d be sick.”

She nods as I hand her the toothpaste, and she brushes her teeth. I watch her, and she’s mesmerizing.

Ivy is stunning, even when sick. She has this long dark hair with just a little wave to it, hanging to the middle of her back, and her eyes are this haunting hazel, they are big, and the green specks in them demand attention. Don’t even get me started on her body which is fucking perfection. I’ve had to remind myself of three things repeatedly: she’s my adopted sister, seventeen until tomorrow, and she’s fighting a possible addiction. All are valid reasons why I have to keep my hands to myself. While she’s almost eighteen, I know a thirty-eight-year-old man has no business touching an eighteen-year-old.

Ivy rinses the toothbrush and then places it on the counter. I lift her back into my arms and carry her back to my bed. She seems to fall asleep for half an hour and then wake up in pain. That’s how it goes for the rest of the night. Even when she’s out, she is restless, kicking in her sleep. Withdrawal from opioids is painful. Everything fucking hurts.

At five in the morning, the last thing I want to do is wake her. However, my dad will be up soon, and Ivy can’t be seen walking into the house without it raising questions neither of us is prepared to answer. It’s her birthday, so I know Mercy will want to see her.

Fuck. She’s so beautiful. Shifting slightly, her leg is now over my hips, her head on my chest, lips slightly parted, as she breathes deeply. Before waking her, I let my gaze drop down her body. The T-shirt rode up while she slept, exposing her lace-covered ass that I wanted so badly to sink my teeth into.Eighteen Nash. And your fucking sister.

I try to convince myself it’s not that bad for a moment. After all, she’s not my blood sister. We didn’t even grow up together. But then, reality hits me. My dad will not see it that way.I owe him everything for even speaking to me after what I did. The last thing I need to be thinking about is defiling his daughter.

I kiss her on the forehead and then tell myself this is it. I helped her get through the night while she began detoxing. I did what I had to do last night, and I’ll do what I have to do now. Stay the fuck away from this girl that could fucking cost me everything.

“Wake up, Princess.”

Ivy shifts around, pressing her body against my cock, “Jesus, Ivy stop.”

She climbs off me with red cheeks, “Sorry.”

Rising off the bed, I kiss her cheek and say, “Happy birthday, Princess.”

She whispers, “Thank you.” Turning toward the door, she says, “I’m gonna go before Dad wakes up.”

“Alright. Drink lots of water and eat something.”

Ivy walks to the door and puts her hand on the knob, without turning around, she says, “Thank you.”

After she closes the door behind her, I sink into my chair. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Why did they have to go and adopt someone so fucking stunning? All night, I keep thinking about how beautiful she would look underneath me, stretching from my cock. Maybe, I just need to get laid. It has been fifteen years since I’ve fucked a woman.

I can hide the truth from her, but I can’t hide it from myself. I don’t want another woman. I want her. I’m going to have to get over this right fucking now. I can’t have her. Ever. Some people don’t belong together. We are some people.



Ispent my birthday with my parents. It wasn’t where I wanted to be, but I knew Mercy wouldn’t take no for an answer. After dinner, I made my escape to my bedroom. I walk in and spot the box on my bed. I open the large box and find art supplies. Several canvases, paints, brushes, charcoal, everything you could imagine. Off to the side, I spot a card.


Painting is part of your soul. It’s beautiful, even in pain. Don’t deny the world the beauty you possess. You have a gift, don’t let it go to waste. Create again even if it’s just to take your mind off the heartache, cravings, and despair.
