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“Where were we? Sorry about that, I got side-tracked.” Ghost’s voice, low and seductive, suddenly cut through the surrounding chaos, and I looked up to find him standing next to me, his earlier liaison seemingly forgotten. Despite my feelings of hurt, my pulse raced, and the air around us crackled with electricity. Our eyes locked again, and I felt myself falling deeper into the abyss, powerless to resist the allure of his dark, enigmatic world.

I struggled to maintain my composure in the face of his magnetic charm. “Did you do that for my benefit?” He knew what I meant.

Ghost leaned closer, his breath hot against my ear as he whispered, “For my own benefit. But if you got off watching, I’m fine with that.”

His voice was a caress that entwined itself around my senses and sent a shiver down my spine, and I knew I was playing with fire. But as the party raged on around us and the darkness within Ghost beckoned me closer, I found myself powerless to resist the pull. Despite my misgivings and the warning bell clamoring in my head, Ghost managed to charm his way back into my good graces.

I told myself I was merely remaining non-judgemental and professional for the sake of my story, but I was deluding myself. Ghost pulled me over to the bar in the back of the room, where it was a little less hectic. To my surprise, we had a long talk about music and he opened up to me and allowed me to delve a little deeper. It was precisely the kind of material I needed from him. I just had to dodge the flirtations that came with it. He probably acted this way with all the women he talked to. Only I would be naïve enough to take it to heart.

Taking a sip of my drink, I finally felt like I was getting my sea legs at this party. Until I noticed the scene over Ghost’s shoulder. A bald man with a goatee, who was loaded up with muscles and tattoos, was pulling up a woman’s skirt. The woman was wearing nothing under the skirt, her bare ass jutting out in offering as she leaned her palms against the wall. And now the guy was pulling his dick out of his pants. My God, he was going to fuck her five feet away from us.

Ghost must have seen the distress on my face because he turned around to see what had caught my attention. A playful smile tugged at the corners of his lips. “You like to watch, huh?”

The man started pushing into her, and I frowned with disgust. “I can’t help it. They’re doing it practically in my face.”

“Ah, you’re too innocent for this scene, sweetheart,” he teased, his fingers lightly brushing against my arm, sending shivers down my spine. “But maybe I can corrupt you just a little.”

“Thanks, but I think I’ll pass,” I retorted, trying to sound lighthearted. The truth was, I was dangerously close to giving in to my desires for him. Greyson’s recent breakup had left me vulnerable, but I didn’t want to become another one of Ghost’s conquests. “What they’re doing cheapens the act.”

“They’re just having fun,” he insisted, his eyes dancing with mischief. “Live a little, Remi. What’s the worst that could happen?”

His voice was low and rich, sending shivers down my spine. The way he said my name was intoxicating, and I found myself wanting more — more of him, more of this dangerous closeness that had me teetering on the edge of something forbidden.

I hesitated, wrestling with the conflicting emotions churning inside me. I was consumed by the undeniable attraction I felt for Ghost, and I knew how dangerously close I was to losing control of myself. With Greyson’s recent breakup still fresh in my mind, it seemed inevitable that I would seek solace in the arms of someone like Ghost — someone who could make me forget, if only for a moment. But I couldn’t let that happen; I had a job to do, a story to write, and giving in to lust would only cloud my judgment.

“Ghost, I…” I began, searching for the right words. “I’m here for a reason, and I need to stay focused on that.”

“Ah, the assignment,” he said with a knowing smirk. “Well, if you change your mind, I’ll be around.” His gaze lingered on me for a moment longer, but there was a flicker of something else — regret, maybe? — before he turned back into the fray of the party, leaving me breathless and conflicted.

I watched him go, my heart pounding in my chest. It took every ounce of willpower I had not to follow him, but I knew I had to stand strong. For now, at least, I had to keep my distance from the enigmatic rockstar who had managed to captivate me so completely.

The rest of the party seemed so flat and uninteresting without Ghost at my side. I couldn’t keep my eyes off him as he moved through the crowd. My heartbeat quickened at the sight of him emerging from a throng of adoring fans. He looked like a god among mortals, with his golden hair tousled just enough to frame his chiseled features, and his tattoos peeking out from beneath his sleeves, hinting at a hidden wildness beneath the surface. His eyes held a smoldering intensity that seemed to pierce through me, holding secrets I was desperate to uncover.

When he wrapped his arm around a pretty woman in a skimpy dress, a pang of jealousy shot through me. It was as if he’d forgotten me. Not once had he looked over.

I stood up, knowing I had to get out of there. This inexplicable attraction to Ghost was going to get me into trouble. Even if it was for the assignment, getting closer to Ghost was dangerous. If I crossed a line and started having real feelings for him, it could jeopardize not only my assignment but also my ability to maintain control over my own desires.

I felt the darkness within me yearn for his touch, hungry for the consuming passion that seemed to radiate from his very being. Memories of Greyson flitted through my mind, of the magnetic pull I had felt toward him, but the attraction with Ghost was different — more raw, more primal. And with that realization came a wave of guilt.

What was I doing? My mind raced with thoughts of him, of Greyson, and of the guilt that threatened to consume me as I made my way out of the party. I knew that falling for Ghost was a mistake, one that could cost me everything. But as I ran away, part of me couldn’t help but wonder if it was a risk worth taking.

Chapter 10


It had been a few days since Remi joined us on tour, and I couldn’t help but notice her constantly watching me. Her eyes seemed to brand me whenever I was on stage, yet she always kept her distance. Damn, that woman knew how to play it cool. But the more she ignored me, the more I craved her attention.

I decided it was time to break through that professional barrier of hers and taste some of the passion I could see burning in her eyes. But first I had to find her. She was more elusive than a unicorn. The opportunity presented itself when I found her interviewing Ryder a few hours before sound check.

“Ryder, can you tell me about the challenges you’ve faced growing up? How did they shape your music?” Remi asked, flipping through her notebook with a seriousness that was almost intimidating.

Ryder squirmed in his seat, visibly uncomfortable with the question. He wasn’t one to share much about his personal life, let alone with a reporter. “Well, you know, every musician has their own struggles,” he said evasively. “I guess mine just made me more focused on my art.”

Remi pressed on, relentless in her pursuit of the truth. “What about your family? Did they support your music career?”

“Uhm, yeah, sure,” Ryder replied, his voice strained as he tried to maintain his composure. I could see he was struggling to be open and honest, yet to keep certain things private. It wasn’t like him to be so guarded, and I couldn’t stand by and watch any longer.

“Hey, Ryder,” I called out, striding over to them with purpose. “There’s a band meeting happening right now. We need you there, man.”
