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I waited outside the restroom door for her to come out, hoping like hell she’d get out before I had to stop any kids from going in there while she was having sex. I was no angel, but having sex in a restroom at a kid’s restaurant crossed a line.

The greasy-haired employee came out first. He walked by without a care in the world. A minute later, Angelique strolled out. Silently, I handed Harper off to her.

She looked at my clenched jaw and laughed. “What? You wanted to be exclusive or something?”

I bit back my response.

She snorted. “I don’t do monogamous. I’m polyamorous.”

I waited about 30 minutes for my car to pull up after I booked it on the ride-sharing app on my phone. When I got settled in the car, I called Josie, needing to let off a little steam.

I started right in when she answered. “I’m done dating. Never set me up again. I don’t care who it is; I won’t go out with them.”

“Huh! I wasn’t too surprised about the 36-year-old virgin dog lover; she may not have been the perfect match. But Angelique? She’s perfect! She likes kids, she likes sex and I’m sure she could handle your rock star lifestyle. She meets all your criteria of what you wanted in a woman.”

I blew out a frustrated breath and growled into the phone. “She’s a polyamorous 27-year-old that already has four kids.”

“You are too picky!” She tsked. “And what’s wrong with being polyamorous?”

“She was having sex with some other guy on our date!” I couldn’t keep the heat out of my voice.

“Don’t be such a bigot.”

“Josie, you drive me crazy.”

She laughed.

“I think I want to remain single forever.”

Chapter 5


If this turned out to be a giant scam, I was going to hunt them down and rain fire down on every single one of them. For all I knew, the impeccably dressed woman with the sob story in the fertility clinic was a cold, cunning con artist. Maybe she skulked around in places like the clinic where she could target rich women who were in vulnerable positions so she could hand out her cards and reel them in.

If I’d been that vulnerable woman who got played, these fraudsters were going to regret it till their dying day. At least I had an address of where to start my rage-filled campaign of destruction if it was needed, as this was the second time I’d been to this nondescript building that was supposedly an underground sex dungeon. The last time, I’d forked over an assload of money, only to sit in a conference room filling out paperwork for a couple of hours.

I’d signed a contract stating that I was paying for a subscription to a matchmaking service, purchasing the ‘Scarlett’ app which required monthly fees to use, and signing up for training courses. It explicitly stated that there would be ‘no exchange of sexual acts for money’. I really hoped that the woman at the fertility clinic hadn’t been fooling me. If this was just a super expensive matchmaking service, then I’d be pissed. I wanted that nirvana she’d been going on about, and I wasn’t going to get that through training modules.

After the contract and a confidentiality agreement were signed, I was asked to fill out my kink profile questionnaire which would be used to match me with the right kink ‘coach’. The questionnaire was incredibly personal and ridiculously detailed. In the wrong hands, it could be dangerous. When that was completed, I was required to watch several videos with low production value and unique titles like Intro to Kink and Safe, Sane, and Consensual, or I wouldn’t be able to meet my ‘kink coach’ match.

The first time I’d come, before all the boring stuff, I’d been insanely excited. An anxious trepidation churned through my stomach. My barely there panties were wet even before I walked in the door. I’d gone out of my way to glam up my appearance. I was wearing a favorite dress that fitted my curves perfectly and paired it with the highest heels I knew how to walk in. Underneath, I wore obscenely expensive lingerie that would make a whore blush. My hair and makeup were glamorous enough for clubbing and I sprayed my favorite designer scent on all my pulse points, including the one between my legs. And, of course, I was freshly waxed.

I’d left that appointment frustrated as hell after spending most of the day there, thinking about sex. Ever since I’d walked out of the supposedly exclusive club, I’d half expected to be blackmailed with that damn intimate questionnaire I’d filled out. Even though they promised anonymity to their clients, I knew it could never be 100% guaranteed.

Today, I dressed to fit my cynical mood. I was wearing weekend loungewear with flip-flops, and my hair was pulled up in a messy bun. Makeup was almost nonexistent and my undergarments were as ugly as they were comfortable. I owned period undies that were sexier.

I was greeted by the same woman again, the only person I’d met at the club so far. She took my phone for safekeeping until I left, as she had explained was club policy.

She smiled. “Our algorithms have processed your questionnaire and have selected the perfect partner for you to begin your journey of exploration with. I’ll take you to the blue room where you can relax and get to know your coach. Unless you’d prefer to review the safety information again first?”

“God, no.” I spit out. I’d had about all the training I could endure on safe words and communication. Guidelines were important, but I didn’t need to be told the same things over and over again. I was ready to get on with it.

We passed through a door that led toward the back of the house. “This part of the house is a private residence. Whatever takes place after you meet your kink coach today or at any future date is not part of your agreement with us. You may leave at any time you wish, but please don’t forget to retrieve your phone before you go. Do you understand that your activities are no longer under the auspices of Scarlett?”

“Yes.” I worked with lawyers all the time. Of course, I understood Cover Your Ass when I heard it.

I followed her down a small hall and then we stopped at a door that was painted blue. My heart fluttered as I wondered if this was going to be the blue room of pain, but when the lady opened the door, it turned out to be an ordinary room with a few couches and chairs to sit on.
