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“Jesus,” I muttered. “Are you looking for a foursome?”

Ghost pushed that aside. “I’m not into sharing what’s mine.”

I shook my head in disbelief. “It’s all too complicated. Even one woman is too much for me. I’m the last holdout. I’m never going to get tied down.”

“Right. That’s why you’re sitting here all alone. Why aren’t you on the prowl?”

“The night is still young.” I glanced nervously at Grey again. If looks could kill, I’d be dead already.

Ghost smirked. “If you lean over and whisper in my ear, he’ll lose his shit.”

“Don’t fuck with me, man.” I couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of it all.

He grabbed my shoulder and squeezed. “We’re gonna head out. I’ve got to get these two out of here before Grey bursts his aorta.”

“Yeah, everyone is leaving. Bunch of pussies.”

Some time while we were talking, Ryder and Talia disappeared.

Ghost looked around. “Lacey’s still here.”

I gave a noncommital hum in answer.

“What’s wrong with her? She’s hot as fuck. You’ve had sex with her before.”

“So has everyone else.” Even to myself, I sounded petulant.

“Not me.”

I was surprised. “I thought you did. We all did.”

“Nope.” He said the word emphatically. “I tried one time. Just for curiosity’s sake, but she turned me down.”

“You’re kidding?” I grunted in disbelief. “I didn’t think you ever got turned down.”

He rubbed his chin in thought. “I’m not sure I ever have. But she did.”

“Huh,” I said quietly.

“And I know Knox never had sex with her.”

“Why are we discussing this?”

He ignored me. “Just because you and Sid fucked her doesn’t mean we all have.”

God, that brought back some uneasy memories. My eyes slid to Lacey. Of course, I’d noticed how hot Lacey looked tonight. She always looked hot. All the girls were pretty damn gorgeous, but Lacey wasn’t with any of my bandmates, so I could check her out without feeling guilty.

I’d been attracted to her the first moment I’d ever seen her, but she was the ultimate party girl. It took me years to find out how smart she was and that she had a high-powered career. I’d never asked. I always believed that image she put out there — party girl looking for a good time.

It bothered me that it was Sidney that had lured her into our threesome. I’d had sex with her — an incredibly fucking sexy night — but she wouldn’t have given me the time of day without Sidney. There was something between them. A weird dynamic that always pissed me off. Even though Sidney was married to my sister now, and I knew he didn’t even look twice at Lacey anymore; it still pissed me off.

The bitterness came out in my tone. “She liked Sid.”

Ghost stood up to leave, so I stood up with him. He gave me one of those manly half-hug, half-backslapping goodbyes. It felt good to get the friendly vibes from Ghost, even if he was probably doing it to make Grey jealous. Any attention Ghost doled out gave you the same feeling a great hit from a bong did — the warm fuzzies.

I said goodbye to Remi, giving her a kiss on the cheek, which earned me a bone-crushing handshake and a bruising ‘tap’ on the shoulder in the way of goodbye from Grey.

Donovan and Ellie were grinding on the dancefloor, doing more making out than dancing. I sat down next to Lacey, who was the only one remaining at our table. “Looks like we’re the last ones left.”
