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Jesus. I felt nauseous again. “But, we got the license—“

“We must have been just fucking around.”

I wrapped my arms around my stomach. “The pictures. We were in a limo.”

He laughed nervously. “Yeah, it doesn’t mean anything.”

Sebastian was in complete denial, but all I could think about was that bouquet of flowers with the ribbon-wrapped stems. It was a wedding bouquet.

We’d gotten married last night.

Chapter 11


Lacey looked like she was about to keel over. I found some pain relief meds in my toiletry bag and shook out a few pills into my hand. Then I grabbed a cold bottle of water from the mini fridge and gave them to her.

“Here, take this. Sip slowly.”

She swallowed the pills down with shaky hands and then hugged them around her stomach.

I felt awful. I shouldn’t have let her do those damn shots. My head was pounding and my stomach was queasy, but I’d survive. Lacey, I wasn’t too sure. She looked like death warmed over. “Why don’t you lay down and rest?”

She whimpered. “I’ve got a flight. And I have to check out of my room. I’m already late.”

“There’s no way you’re going to make it. I have this room for another night. You can stay here. Get a new flight tomorrow.”

I could tell how badly she felt because she didn’t even try to argue. “My personal assistant. Her card is in a slot in my phone case. Tell her to cancel my flight and get me a new one for tomorrow.”

“Yeah. No problem. Give me your room number and keycard and I’ll get your stuff and bring it here for you.”

She rubbed at her eye. “You’re a lifesaver.”

I wasn’t about to take any credit when I felt responsible for making her get so drunk in the first place. “Do you have anything hidden in your room? Or in the safe?”

She began crawling across the bed and then slipped under the comforter. “No, I didn’t bring anything valuable. Room 118, 32nd floor. Keycard in my phone.”

“Alright, I’ll take care of it. You just try to get some rest.”

“Thank you, Sebastian.” She buried her head in the pillow and moaned.

It took me a few minutes to find Lacey’s phone. It was under a chair near the door. I found her assistant’s card and her hotel keycard. I placed her phone on the nightstand and then stepped out into the hallway so I wouldn’t disturb her. It would be best if she could sleep off her hangover.

I spoke with her assistant, who assured me she’d text Lacey with the new flight details, and then returned to the room. Lacey was lightly snoring. I tiptoed into the bathroom, took some medicine for my headache, brushed my teeth, and then showered.

Ten minutes later, I grabbed my wallet and then went in search of some food. I finally found a casual dining restaurant that didn’t look crowded. It was between meals, so I was able to choose a booth in the back corner away from the other diners.

I ordered an eclectic mix of foods that I knew were good for soothing my stomach post-alcohol abuse: eggs with toast, a banana, and a hamburger. Then I spent the next ten minutes on a video call with Kody. His cheerful enthusiasm about everything brightened my afternoon.

I said goodbye to Kody when my food came and then I gobbled it up quickly, happy that my stomach wasn’t in full revolt with the addition of food. Before I left, I procured a few items for Lacey, some soup crackers and a banana.

I had a few hours before I had to get to the airport. Packing up would only take a few minutes, and I wanted to make sure Lacey ate something before I left. I wanted to make sure she was okay. And I had to grab her stuff out of her room.

Before I headed back up to the rooms, I walked around until I found a store that sold drinks. I bought a can of ginger ale and a sports drink and added it to the bag with Lacey’s food. I’d left her with the water bottle, but I doubted that she was drinking any of it. Before I left, I’d get her to rehydrate, too.

I stepped onto an elevator and rode it up to the 32nd floor. I located her room and entered it with no problem. The room was tidy, compared to the state of my own. Her bed was made and nothing looked out of place. I’d grab her luggage, do a quick check to make sure I didn’t leave anything behind, and be out of there in a few minutes.

I found her suitcase inside the closet where a bunch of clothes were hanging up. Okay, I’d have to fold those and fit them into the suitcase. They’d probably get all wrinkly and shit, but it’d have to do. I rolled the suitcase across the room and placed it on the bed. It was light. Good, she was a light packer. I unzipped the case and...
