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“Do this?” she asked.

I remembered all my research. “Aftercare. Why do they call it that? It reminds me of daycare and little kids.”

“Does ‘doing this’ include kissing?”

“Fuck, yeah.” I captured her mouth and gave her a sweet kiss that quickly grew heated.

She broke away and frowned. “Was the flogging part boring for you?”

I bit back a laugh. “You do know what I do for a living, right? I would drum all fucking day if I could. I think what we did was actually better than drumming. There’s a similarity except I’m doing it on a luscious naked body. It would only be better if I could make you come from doing that.”

She bit her bottom lip. “If you add a vibrator to what you were doing, I’d definitely come. I was so close, even without it.”

“Good to know.”

“And being in front of the window,”—she let out a breathy moan—“that ratcheted it up. It was so sexy.”

I was curious about her exhibitionist streak. She had mentioned it to me, which is why I’d placed her in front of the glass, even though the chances of someone seeing her were close to zero.

“You like being on display?”

“I … do.” She didn’t sound too sure of what she was saying.

“Do you want other people to watch you having sex? Or for them to participate?”

A jolt of unease sliced through my gut. I remembered the threesome we’d had with Sid. I felt sure it wasn’t her only threesome experience. What if she wanted to do that again? What if she wanted a relationship like Ghost had with Remi and Grey?

She laughed a little self-consciously. “In theory, I’d love to have sex on stage with a huge audience watching. But I think that’s one of those fantasies that you don’t really want to come true. It’s just sexy to think about.”

“What about sex with other people? Like threesomes?”

She stiffened in my arms. “I guess it depends. With another woman? No. Another man? Maybe if he just watched but didn’t participate. Why? Do you?”

I released the breath I didn’t even know I was holding. “No. I don’t like to share.”

A burst of laughter escaped her throat. “What? You’re like the king of threesomes. What did you guys call it? The sandwich maneuver or something?”

“Let me amend my answer. I don’t like to share you. No, wifey. Didn’t we make some vows? I prefer just you and me.”

I didn’t give her time to answer before I grabbed her breast and sucked it into my mouth. I didn’t want to think too deeply about what I’d just confessed. Yeah, I wanted to be monogamous with her. I wanted to explore this thing between us. The kink thing and a relationship beyond that.

I was insane. What the hell was I thinking? I was jumping ahead of myself. What was there not to like about Lacey? She was amazing. I needed to just enjoy the sex while I had it. She may be happy with me for the moment, but she certainly wasn’t looking for a long-term commitment.

“Don’t freak out if I tell you this. You’re my dom. I think you can take it.” She sat up and looked into my eyes. “I feel so close to you right now. Connected. With the sex and the cuddling and the talking about it after, it’s just a different dynamic than I’m used to. I really like it. I trust you. You took such good care of me. Thank you, Sebastian.”

Fuck, I rubbed at my chest. There was a heavy feeling in it. What the fuck?

I pecked at her lips and then averted my gaze. “I like it too, wifey.”

She slid her hand down my stomach and palmed my hard dick. “Do you usually cuddle with women after sex?”

“Not really.”

She stroked my shaft. “I’m not that experienced with cuddling either.”

I stilled her hand with my own. “Is fucking a part of aftercare?”

She pressed her tits against my chest. “If I have any say so, it is.”
