Page 38 of Blindside

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“When the hell does this shit start?” Corvin grumbles from beside me. Much like Saint and me, he just flew into town tonight and the three of us have been away for nearly six weeks at boot camp and just want to fuck our girls all night long.

“Chill the fuck out, it’ll start soon,” Darius quips from the other end of our row. We haven’t even been able to see our daughter. She’s out back with her mother and the other girls. Our thoughts are muted the moment Nathan comes out on the stage and the crowd erupts into cheers and catcalls.

“Thank you all so much for being here tonight. I am beyond grateful for all the support I received over the years and honestly, I wouldn’t have been able to do any of this without the support of my crew.” The moment his gaze strays to us in the front seats at the end of the runway we all tense in our seats. “Thank you to my CHU boys for always accepting me for who I am and welcoming me with nothing but love.” The crowd all cheers and I’ll admit, I’m humbled by his words. “I also have to give a shout to my bad bitches, Katie Hastings-Morgan, Leah Williams, Valance Dawson and Alexa Williams.” Corvin cheers loudly at hearing his wife's name, the fucker is such a caveman since he married her a couple months ago. “Without these girls, I wouldn’t be here. So, with all that said, I would like to dedicate this show to my OG bad bitch Cody Sutton.” All of us gasp. “This one is for you, baby girl.”

None of us say a word as Nathan exits the stage, we had no idea this show was a dedication to Cody. Jeremih ft YG’s “Don't Tell 'Em”begins to play and the lights dim. The curtains at the end of the stage part and the moment the girl comes into view my jaw unhinges. Alexa struts toward us in a white lace getup with garters and all, her long black hair is out and flowing behind her, she even has black angel wings on. Her blue eyes are glued to her husband who is sitting there openmouthed with his eyes wide in shock. The moment she stops at the end of the catwalk, she strikes a pose and blows her man a kiss. When she turns and we all get a view of her ass in a thong, Corvin finally snaps out of it.

“Close your fucking eyes assholes!” he shouts. We all laugh and tease him until Beckett stills beside me, his eyes wide as fuck.

“The fuck!” Beck snaps as the song changes to TLC’s “No Scrubs”. I turn back to see Val walking toward us in an outfit similar to Lexi’s but red and her wings are the same color as her sexy outfit. Beck attempts to stand but Corv and I hold him in place as Val strikes her pose and winks at her man before turning around and making her way back. Before he can say the words, we all slam our eyes shut. It’s taking everything inside me not to laugh at my boy’s expense. The moment the song switches to Ella Mai’s, “Whatchamacallit”, Darius is on his feet and the four of us are holding him back as Leah appears at the end of the stage. She wears a one-piece yellow lacey getup. Her tits are pushed up and her nipples are barely covered. The long angel wings flow behind her, and her blonde hair is done in some fancy updo.

“Goldie!” Darius roars as he fights against us. Leah, being the little temptress she is, winks and smiles at her man. She strikes her pose and makes sure to hold his gaze the entire time until she is forced to turn away. “I’m gonna fucking chain her ass up,” Darius seethes.

Chris Brown’s “Under The Influence” begins to play, then Saint and I are both gawking at the stage entrance with bated breath. Sure enough, our queen comes strutting out with a fierce look on her face. The white bralette thing she wears makes her tits look huge and the panties, OMG, they barely cover her beautiful pussy. Her gaze is on us the whole way but the closer she gets to the end, I see nervousness cloud her features. I begin to worry something is wrong so I mouth,you got this, baby.

A small smile pulls at her lips as she stops to strike her pose but unlike the other girls, Katie turns side on and rubs both her hands over her stomach and smiles nervously. That’s when I notice the tiny bump. Saint and I both gasp in unison. As if our minds are in sync we both dart forward and leap onto the stage, not giving a fuck about the fashion show as we stand in front of our wife who has tears in her eyes. Saint cups her face between his hands and bends so he is eyes level with her.

“We’re having a baby?” Shock is evident in his voice as she bites her lip and nods.

“We need the words, baby,” I growl. She darts her gaze to me and the fear I see in her gaze kills me. We are the reason she is so fucking terrified to tell us she’s pregnant but this time it will be different.

“Yes.” No sooner has the word left her mouth when Saint’s lips plaster against hers. I give him a minute before I’m shoving him out of the way and kissing my girl, making sure she can feel all the love I have for her. I break the kiss and drop to my knees in front of her placing a kiss against her tiny bump.

“I love you already, my little bean.” A sob comes from my girl before Saint is kissing her again. Nathan shouts for us to get the hell off the stage, and with pleasure I obey and we drag our girl off the stage, hunting around for the nearest dressing room so I can show her with my cock just how happy I am about this news.

We’re about to be a family of five and I’m fucking here for it!


A year after Nathan’s show

At twenty-four years old I never thought I would be the type of guy who longed to be able to be home alone with a wife just so I could have her all to myself. I thought at this age I would be partying it up with my brothers and living out my dream of playing for the NFL and being the most eligible bachelor out there, but nope, instead here I am with my wife at our house in CHU with our two nephews and niece while their parents are out on a date night.

Dawson is easy as fuck, he’s eight and can do shit for himself, but Addy is only three and Alister is six months old, so he needs constant attention. Sitting next to her on the sofa, a smile tugs at my lips at the sight of my badass wife feeding our nephew a bottle and talking quietly to him. I get so lost in thoughts of her one day sitting there, doing that with our own child that I don’t see the dirty diaper she throws at my head until it smacks me in the forehead.

“What the fuck, jail bait?” I growl. The dirty little minx smirks and shrugs her shoulders.

“Didn’t your mother ever tell you it’s rude to stare?” she quips.

Narrowing my eyes I snap back, “That ring on your finger says I can do whatever the fuck I like where you are concerned, woman.” Her brows raise to her hairline.

“Woman?” Oh fuck, I gulp and smile sheepishly. I love my wife with every fiber of my being but I am man enough to fucking admit she terrifies me! That woman can hold a grudge like no other. She is not above prank wars or breaking my shit if I piss her off.

“I meant it in a funny way, you know likeme Tarzan you Jane?” Her face turns stoic and I begin to panic, I know that look and it normally means Mrs. Palmer is going to be getting a workout for the next four days until she eventually forgives me, only because she’s just as fucking horny as I am.

“I should key your car.” I groan and send a silent prayer to God that she doesn’t. She owns a shop in New England and one here in CHU. The girl is a master mechanic and builds an engine from scratch. My girl isn’t afraid to get dirty and honestly, it’s fucking hot to see her in her shop ordering the guys who work for her around. Just the thought gets my dick hard.

“Please don’t,” I beg. A smug smile tugs at her lips. The last time she did that I told her to fix it and even got my man voice on and everything. When I flew back into town and saw a hot pink MC20 Cielo Spyder pull up to the curb at the pickup zone at the airport, my jaw was on the ground. She painted my car fucking pink to teach me a lesson for yelling at her. She stands and carefully places Alister in his portable crib before coming over to me and straddling my lap. I’m stiff as a fucking tree trunk waiting for her to strike out and maim me or something, but when her eyes soften I frown. “What’s wrong?”

“Do you love me, Reaper?” I search her gaze for a second, slightly worried that something is seriously wrong. Cupping her face between my hands, I pull her down to me until my lips ghost over hers.

“More than anything in this fucking world, baby,” I say with such conviction, there is no way she can deny my words.

“Do you love me enough to wait until I’m ready to have a baby?” Her question has me frowning and wondering where the fuck that shit came from but before I can ask she pushes on, “I see you watching me with the kids. Don’t get me wrong, I fucking love them and enjoy being around them, but I’m not ready to be a mom and honestly—” She takes a deep breath before continuing, “I’m not ready to share you with anyone yet. I love us just the way we are.”

My heart beats double time in my chest. Alexa isn’t the type of girl who will tell you how she feels, she’ll show you with actions and honest to God, I fucking love that about her. I know her using her words was fucking hard, it makes me so proud of her every time I see her trying to use her words instead of breaking shit. Some may think it’s toxic but honestly, that’s just us. We fight hard but let me assure you we love fucking harder. This girl would go to war for me, she proved that when my coach tried to bench me for missing a practice. She marched her little ass into his office and screamed and hollered until he changed his mind. The poor guy just clapped me on the shoulder and told me I was a brave man for putting a ring on that woman.

“Baby, I don’t need a kid to be happy.” Relief shines in her eyes at my words. “I love us just the way we are and I sure as fuck love that I get to fuck you anytime and anywhere I want. Having a kid will put a damper on that, and I’m not down for that shit.” She laughs and I smile loving hearing the sound of her laughter. “We have all the time in the world for that, jail bait. Let’s just enjoy us for us for now and when the time does come, we’ll deal with it then.”
