Page 29 of His Angel

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“Yeah? Get right in there on the balls of your feet, does she?” I ask, knowing that’s the point that finally tipped her over the edge. “Good on those inner thighs too, I imagine.”

“It was you,” she says, her smile faltering. “Of course it was. She wouldn’t be so damn unprofessional.”

“No, she wouldn’t,” I agree. “It’s interesting how much you seemed to enjoy it nonetheless.”

She straight-up growls.

And just like that, one comment is all it takes to have her hackles up again. I might not be a pussy sitting and waiting for her call, but I’m a damn idiot when my mouth gets within a foot of her.

“I’m going to take a wild stab in the dark here and go for third time lucky,” her companion starts. My gaze flicks to her, the fact that I’d completely forgotten she was even here is not a good sign. “You must be Nick, the not-a-boyfriend?”

“The one and only,” I agree. She secures the side of her black cover-all as her eyes narrow, seeming to analyse and categorise my every breath as the seconds stretch out. “And you are?”

“Ruby,” she replies, getting up and heading to an old backpack stuffed under a chair in the corner. “I’m Ivy’s official Little Sister.”



“Oh God,” Tamsin moans as she flops face-first down onto her bed. “That massage was heaven.”

“Did yours come with a tattooed assistant?” I ask, closing up my book.

“Unfortunately not. It would seem he’s not up for massages that don’t finish with a happy ending, and in a room full of other people doing the same thing, that wasn’t going to happen, so no such luck. You?”

I’d intentionally asked Wyatt to go with Ruby, hoping that her obvious interest in him might mean she left with a smile on her face and a good memory, ready for more positive interactions in the coming weeks, not counting on the lack of patience the rest of the guys have.

I should have known better, because I was aware the second he entered the room. The hairs on the back of my neck raised at nothing more than the sound of his boots landing heavily on the soft carpet, never mind the cologne that swirled around me. That’s a warmth that doesn’t come with incense and essential oils.

But similarly, his hands are twice the size of Eileen’s, and even with her clear guidance, the movements weren’t the same.

She wouldn’t have rubbed her fingers against my swimwear for a start.

The first time, I thought it was a mistake, a little unintentional straying. By the time he swapped to my other leg, my nipples were rock hard, and I’m surprised he couldn’t tell how wet I was through my bikini bottoms. Who knew something so fleeting could cause so much chaos?

I mean seriously, girl. Get a grip on yourself.

Of course, he was only taking the opportunity to wind me up, just to open his mouth and piss me off again. I think a mute version of him might almost be perfect, except for the manhandling…

Yeah, maybe that wouldn’t work either.

“And Ruby?” Tamsin asks, drawing my thoughts back to the conversation at hand. “Did she have a good time? It looked to be going well when I saw you guys in the steam room.”

“Well, I’m not sure if she was just glad that it was too hot for me to force conversation on her too much, or whether she was actually enjoying the quiet. But she was certainly enjoying her massage.”


“Wyatt was doing such a fabulous job with her. You should have seen the way she looked at him, it was almost as if he hung the stars in the sky. But then, Leo had popped in earlier, and then when Nick turned up, it was back to twenty questions about The Devils. It’s like they’re so super exciting and that’s all she’s interested in.”

“I’m not sure you’re going to like this, but it makes sense…” she offers, turning onto her side and propping her head on her hand. “They are kind of stupidly hot and she’s a teenage girl… I mean, these are some of the finest pieces of masculine energywe’veever come across, and that’s saying something, considering the circles our families run in.”

“I’m not sure those circles are full ofmasculineenergy,” I argue with a chuckle, thinking specifically of Spencer’s hideous golf outfits. “But I know what you mean.”

“Sure, they’re clean-cut guys, but you can’t tell me that fine as hell diplomat that came the other year didn’t have big dick energy. I swear they sent a young one instead of that doddering old fool intentionally, and then for my parents to host himin our home. Seriously? They were just testing my ability to keep my underwear on. And it was hard, my friend. So fucking hard.”

“And yet, you managed it.” We high-five across the beds, neither of us willing to move.

“Either way,” Tamsin continues with a wave of her hand. “Our Devils are probably the closest these girls have ever come to hot, rich, tattooed, sexy beasts. So, maybe just cut her a little slack? To be fair, Mercedes had a lot to say about Taylor, but I draw the line at touching.”
