Page 45 of His Angel

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Not so yes.

“Apparently Tamsin had a minor freak out, and now they’re sewing,” he continues, typing away.

“And she texts you rather than me because…”

“Because you’re a dick,” Jacob offers with a grin, Leo barely containing his laughter as he necks half a bottle of water leaning up against the kitchen counter.

“Thanks for that.”

“Honey, I’m home,” Taylor sings as the rest of them burst through the doorway. Clearly, his funk over this whole thing has been and gone already.

“You might want to ring Tamsin,” Jacob says. “She’s worried she’s not heard from you.”

Way to soften the blow.

Opening my message back up, I can’t help but send something her way. I know she’s got her phone to hand if Wyatt’s furious fingers are anything to go by.

Me: I’m not sure if I’m disappointed that you didn’t check in on me, or impressed that you know I can hold my own. Emmerson didn’t come back.

Three dots bounce in the corner, then stop, repeating a few times before one single word arrives.

Sugar: Wow.

It irks me that when she needed reassurance, Wyatt is who she went to. It would have been even more annoying if it had been Leo, or someone else, but still… it’s always one step forward and then two steps back with this woman, and it’s fucking infuriating. She’s infuriating.

Me: Are you working on Tamsin’s outfit for Saturday night?

I ask her a question, changing the direction of the conversation to try and get us back on an even keel, even if I have to use the details Wyatt gave me to do it.

Sugar: Yep, busy. I can’t talk now.


Wyatt still texts away like I didn’t just get completely blown off.

We spent an awkward hour or more on the way there, an hour in the escape room, then all the time the other guys were in, plus that hellish journey back, and it’s done nothing for my nerves. I need a break, some peace and fresh air.

“Shout me when there’s food,” I say, leaving the bustling kitchen in search of some quiet.

Heading out the front door feels the easiest, and as I sink onto the cold concrete, I know it’s the right decision. There’ll be someone on the back patio having a smoke, someone else laughing and joking as they join them, and all I can concentrate on right now is nothing.

There are at least two assignments I should be working on for class, an Angel that I’m supposed to be supporting but who won’t speak to me, and then there’s Jacob, and The Sect, and whatever expectations they have of me.

You’d think there would be a billion thoughts and ideas running through my head at any given moment. Instead, there’s nothing. A numbness that can’t be good.

She went to Wyatt over me.


Like, I get it, they’re cool or whatever, but I thought we were getting somewhere, and it grates.

Sure, we had that shit locked down. We were in and done in good time, so maybe she had no realconcernfor me, or perhaps she was really asking for Tamsin and she knows that Wyatt and Taylor are friends. Fuck it, it’s not my issue.

The wind curls around the entrance as I turn and lean my back against the concrete balustrade, letting the silence and peace wash over me until tyres crunch over the leaves and the gravel, a door slamming to my side.

“Someone ordered pizza?” a guy asks from beside me.

Opening my eyes, I pin him with a glare.
