Page 52 of Songs of Sacrament

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I pushed around Sai to stand at his side and wrapped an arm around him. This creature couldn’t have him. “Why?”

“He’s mine.” She continued moving towards us on her reversed feet.

Sai’s face remained stoic, his gaze glued on the girl, but he trembled and when he spoke his words came as scarcely more than a whisper even as he guided us back away from the bhoot. “We can only get her to leave us if we know the object of her desire.”

“How do we find that out?”

“Short of knowing how she died and what unfulfilled desires she had in her life, I don’t know.”

“I could compel her.”

“No.” He tightened his arm around my shoulder as the creature continued moving steadily towards us. We bumped against a wall where water trickled and spilled down my neck. “She’s not of this realm. It might not work, and you can’t risk draining your magic.”

“I’m an elemental and my magic is more. I should try.”

Sai’s lips furled in. “All right. But if it doesn’t work, don’t push too hard. We can’t have you weakened trying to deal with this thing.”

The girl came close enough that I could make out her features, the delicate slope of her nose, her thin form beneath the nightgown, the beaded bracelet she wore. Her black eyes, however, remained locked on Sai.

A fierceness pooled through me—a volcano of power.

She couldn’t fucking have him.

He was mine.

I gasped at that thought as I parted my lips and unleashed a note that rippled through the room and echoed back like half a dozen sirens joined me. The bhoot hissed through her dark teeth and raised her hands which were lined with long claws. She lowered like she’d pounce.

“Stop,” I sang.

She froze.

Sai exchanged a look with me, his rapid breathing echoing alongside mine. Holy crap. It worked.

“Tell me what you desire,” I sang.

The girl shifted towards Sai again, and I feared I’d lost control, but her voice came in a scratchy, spell-bound drone. “The blood of a man in love.”

“Shit,” Sai whispered. He ran his fingers down his jaw. “Release her.”


“We know the information to stop her now and we can’t risk you draining your powers.”

I uttered a ripple of a note. The bhoot dropped into a pounce but Sai swept his free arm out. “I do not permit you my blood, demon. I know your desire so you must leave us. Return to hell where you belong.”

The girl screamed and the shriek of it echoed off the walls and stung through my ears like it would deafen me. I cowered against Sai who tightened his arm around me.I’m in love with you,I could hear him saying, and I tucked my nose against his damp tunic and breathed in the comfort of him. The bhoot jumped a dozen feet and crawled up a stone column before disappearing.

I released a breath. “God, that was close.”

“It’s not over.”

I leaned back. “What do you mean?”

“She won’t be able to approach us straight on, now. But she’ll still attempt to gain what she seeks. Trust nothing here. This place is cursed and full of ancient magic. For now, assume the worst.”

He pulled away and began walking towards the massive statue at the center of the room. He clutched the straps of his bag and his gaze traced over the room, watching. God, he was vulnerable here in a way I wasn’t. The fear I’d felt as he dove into the sea after Neia and Elisa earlier surged through me. The idea of the world without Sai sent a shiver down my spine.

I jogged up next to him. “You should leave.”
