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Bess shivered, so aroused that even the touch of his palms and the peppering spray of warm water were sensual overload.

Before he could blow her mind with a kiss she folded her legs to kneel and press her lips to the head of his erection.

Those muscled thighs shook and he groaned.

‘Bess.’ She almost didn’t recognise her name in that rasp of sound.

Jack’s hands cupped her head, fingers circling in a caress as if trying to soothe her despite his increasing desperation as she pleasured him.

His control eroded. The shivering of his thighs grew to a tremor, his pelvis tilted, moving in concert with her, yet still he didn’t try to take the lead.Sheset the pace.

Bess looked up. Towering above her was the strongest man she knew. The cobalt glitter of his eyes pierced her heart. His pleasure was hers and she wanted to give him everything.

‘Stop now,’ he urged. ‘Let me—’

Bess squeezed him in the way she knew would undo him. He jolted, head tipping back as he groaned again. The sound twisted across every erogenous zone as she caressed him, watching until he gave himself to her.

His cry of ‘Bess, Bess, Bess...’ almost sent her over the edge.

When he came back to himself he bent, scooping her up against him so she felt the thunder of his heart and the mighty rise and fall of his chest. He took her mouth in a slow, sultry kiss that made her feel they’d merged into one being.

Her heart soared and she clung tight, trembling at the friction as their bodies slid together.

Her eyes shut and her only anchor was Jack. She hadn’t realised they’d moved until she felt tiles at her back. Her eyes sprang open to see him looking down at her, a taut smile curving his lips.

He insinuated his hand between them, cupping her breast then gently pinching her nipple and she cried out at the arc of heat flashing from there to her pelvis.

Jack’s smile widened. ‘Hold that thought.’

Then he was on his knees, hands circling her breasts before sliding down, over her thickened waist to her hips and abdomen. Any thought that he might not like her pregnant body disintegrated at the excitement on his face. He shook his head, flicking water, as he feathered his fingertips across the tiny bump of her abdomen.

‘Who knew pregnancy would make you even sexier?’

His voice had dropped to that deep drawl that always undid her. Then his hands moved and it was her turn to gasp.

Seeing his dark head there, between her legs, untied the scant threads of Bess’s control. And his touch... He’d taken his time in the past, been incredibly thorough in discovering what she liked. Now he used that knowledge to destroy her.

But what glorious destruction. He led her step by gilded step towards a beacon of pleasure, pausing now and then to play a little, torture her with so much delight that she shook from head to toe and wouldn’t have been able to remain standing but for the wall at her back and his grip, supporting her.

She was totally at his mercy, yet at the same time imbued with a bright strength beyond anything she’d known.

Jack’s eyes met hers, almost black with excitement, then with one deliberately slow caress, he tossed her over the edge.

The world turned to golden sparks. Catherine wheels of light and bright, flaming heat. Bess tumbled into ecstasy, lost until powerful arms gathered her close. A soothing voice whispered in her ear as Jack rocked her against his solid frame, reassuring.

Spent and strung out on bliss, she was limp in his arms, content to lean in, melding with him so that she lost consciousness of what was him and what was her. They were just together, as they should be.

Hours later, Bess woke in Jack’s arms. Sunlight peeked around the edges of the curtains and she guessed it was late.

They hadn’t slept much. They hadn’t even made it out of the shower after that climax. As Jack held her tenderly in his arms, the press of his erection and the feel of his slick, hard body against hers had had an inevitable effect. Soon after they were gasping out their shared orgasm as he took her from behind, one hand cupping her baby bump, the other at her breast as she braced herself against the wall.

They’d spent the rest of the night cradled together. Now she felt too comfortable ever to move again.

‘Let’s cancel our return trip and stay in bed today.’ Jack’s husky drawl made her open her eyes to meet his hungry dark blue stare.

‘Sometimes you have excellent ideas, Mr Reilly.’

His smile filled her heart. ‘I’m glad you agree, Mrs Reilly.’
