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I loved watching whales from the balcony while discussing how to make things difficult for our characters.

There should be more of it!


‘IWENTINTOthis with my eyes open, Bess, and therearecompensations.’

Bess watched her old friend admire her diamond bracelet, her other hand smoothing the shantung silk of her designer dress.

Lara caught her eye. ‘Not just clothes and jewellery, sweetie. I might be at George’s beck and call, but when he’s away I can please myself what I do, like catching up with you.’ She leaned close. ‘It really is good to see you. It’s been too long.’

‘It has. Jack and I have been travelling a lot.’ Bess smiled as if continually hopping from one city to another, instead of putting down roots and making a life in one place, was what she wanted.

‘You always were good company.’ Lara pouted. ‘George and I go everywhere, but when it’s just me... People are small-minded. I’m not accepted in a lot of homes.’

Bess wasn’t surprised. Since Lara had become a rich man’s mistress, society wives didn’t trust her. If Lara could hook one wealthy tycoon, she could hook another.

‘They’re nervous. No-one dazzles quite like you.’

‘Thanks, sweetie. I try.’ Lara flashed the grin Bess had first seen in the classroom, but her expression sobered as she surveyed the Eiffel Tower view over the rooftops.

‘You’re not completely happy?’ Bess asked.

Lara’s smile didn’t reach her eyes. ‘I made my bed so I’ll lie in it. But sometimes I’d like whatyouhave.’


Bess had been feeling under par. Jack was often absent on business and she was starting all over again in a new place. If they’d bought or even rented their own Paris apartment, instead of staying in a hotel, it would have been easier. Felt more like the home she craved.

Maybe it’s not your accommodation that’s bothering you.

Instantly she shut that voice down, as she always did.

‘You and your delicious Jack. It was such a whirlwind marriage I wondered at first, but I know you, Bess. You wouldn’t marry for anything but love. I’m happy you both found that. I remember how radiant you were in the wedding photos. And Jack looked like the cat who’d got the cream, obviously smitten.’

Lara lifted her cocktail and Bess followed suit, hiding shock behind her glass. Her stomach had gone into free fall at the mention of love.

Would Lara see the cracks in her façade? Guess all wasn’t well in Bess’s supposedly perfect marriage? Bess gulped her drink, the alcohol going straight to her head.

Or maybe it was the idea of Jack loving her.

If only.

She’d thought, hoped, he would one day. She’d believed that though he hadn’t fallen instantly in love like she had, it would come in time.

She was still waiting.

‘George is sweet,’ Lara continued, ‘but itisa transactional relationship. His priorities always come first. He’s so used to getting his own way it doesn’t occur to him to ask whatIwant to do.’

Bess was silent, thinking of her own social schedule, mapped out to meet Jack’s needs. Dinner with potential investors here, events to promote his business there, charity events for networking. Each week his PA sent Bess an appointment schedule with copious background notes so she could perform her role, helping Jack access and charm the elite of European society and business.

After all, that was why he’d married her.

Lara continued, ‘I hadn’t realised how much time a mistress spends waiting for her man to make time for her.’

Lara expounded on the theme but Bess didn’t hear. Her head buzzed and her heart pounded too high and fast.

Lara could be describing her own marriage to Jack.
