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“But you tried. You didn’t wait for it to be easy.”He looked at Sherri and said aloud. “I want that. I want someone who doesn’t expect easy.” He looked at Pete. “Sorry,” he added.

Pete grinned. “Always like a man who knows what he wants. No offense taken, and I know I’ll see you hanging around with the team.” He stood and shook everyone’s hand, then let himself out.

“Well,” Sherri Blakely said smiling. “Do you have my number?”

Evan showed her his new phone, now on contract. It clearly displayed her name. She nodded. “I’m going to call you tomorrow and visit in a few days.” She also stood and shook everyone’s hand then she was gone as well.

Her assistant waited to show them out. Sawyer nudged Evan. “You got mine and Finn’s number in there?”

Evan nodded.“I’ve got everyone’s.”Sawyer chuckled when he heard the answer in his head.

Anthony was sorry to have to go to work, but Christopher took Evan home. Anthony got caught up in some problems that a colleague from Georgia needed advice on, and when he eventually walked into their kitchen later and spotted Christopher stirring something that smelled heavenly, he dropped his briefcase and swept Christopher in his arms, ignoring his surprised squeak, and simply kissed the stuffing out of him.

He pulled back reluctantly and nuzzled Christopher’s neck. “Missed you. Where’s Evan?”

“Right here.”

Anthony was so shocked he nearly dropped Christopher, and swung around to see Evan standing in the opposite corner, a wide grin on his face.

“Oops,”Christopher said in his head.

Evan rolled his eyes, showing he’d heard it too.“Does that mean you can stop pretending now?”

Anthony thought his skin might have caught fire. “You, err, know?”

“Know?”Evan repeated in disbelief. “Everyone knows.”

Anthony just stared at him. Evan walked forward and flung his arms around them both. Anthony had a moment to realize Evan was just about the same height as him and seemed to have grown four inches in as many weeks, and then he processed what he’d said and hugged both of them back.

After a moment they both heard Evan in their heads.“So, I never have to leave, right? This is it?”

Anthony nodded. “And this doesn’t have an expiration date. I want vacations, college, first dates, grandchildren. At least three.”

Evan gaped.

Anthony shrugged. “I’m giving you fair warning. I can also get a lawyer tomorrow and start making us all official.”

Christopher sniggered.“You’re adopting me too?”

Anthony grinned and fished out the small velvet box he had in his pocket that he’d carried around with him all week. “Not quite,” he said.

He met Christopher’s wide-eyed stare, and despite his knees not being as supple as they used to be, he still managed to get down on one of them and ask the most important question of his life.

And if Evan had to help them both up after Christopher had flung his arms around him, then no one seemed to mind.

He wanted to be married. He wanted to have a family.

And he wasn't going to wait anotherfive minutesmore to make that happen.
