Page 63 of The Unruly

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He accidentally stabbed his own baby trying to bring him into this world and now shows no remorse or emotion whatsoever.

Michael is a fucking psychopath.

I start to walk away with the baby but realize we’re caught on something. It takes a second to notice the umbilical cord is still attaching mother to child. More tears fall, wetting the small angel who never took his first breath.

Michael grunts before stomping over to me. He whips out his gnarly knife and then hacks through the cord. Once it’s free, he scoops Stacey up and flings her over one shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

He leads the way and I follow after him. I kiss the cold forehead of the baby before letting loose a choked sob. Michael grunts but doesn’t gripe at me. We walk for about fifteen minutes until we come to a small cove, the ground covered in damp fallen leaves. Jace and Michael both drop the bodies to the earth like they’re trash.

I crouch beside Stacey’s body and use my free hand to push away the leaves beside her. Then I lay the baby down, tucking him against her side. Michael waits while I cover his son with a mound of leaves. When I stand up and can still see a tiny foot poking out, I know I’ll never forget this awful moment.

My heart aches for both mother and child.

Hopefully, they’re in a better place.

Night descends on us as we all sit around the campfire, munching on more rabbit Tom and Seth killed. Kristen is awake and doing okay. My sister is another story. She hasn’t spoken a word, nor does she flinch or move away when Jace hugs her to him.

Owen and his wife Tee fuss over CJ. They’re both red-eyed and teary having lost their daughter. I can’t feel any sympathy for them. CJ is fucked up. His skin is pallid, he keeps throwing up, and twice he’s passed out. I hope he dies too. I’ll happily dump his corpse beside his cunt sister.

Logan, who finally made an appearance, and Michael have been in his tent, having heated words for hours now. I’m sure their visions of a happy little community cult have been erased. They fucked with the wrong family, that’s for sure.

The five younger kids left—Tom’s and Seth’s children—huddle together, whispering quietly. I’m thankful my little brothers no longer have to be near them.

If only I could get Destiny and Kristen out of here.

As we sit by the fire, my mind drifts to Ryder. He’s always been the tougher, stronger one. If he were here instead of me, he’d have already saved everyone on day two. Since it’s me, we’re still stuck here, helpless. I can’t even save myself.

I hope Raegan found him or is at least well on her way back home.

Will she tell him we had sex?

The thought makes my gut sour. He won’t take the news well. It’s a betrayal.

My heart aches for him.

Heavy footsteps thud over to us as Michael and Logan rejoin the group.

“Tonight, Logan, Seth, and I will go hunt for the children,” Michael grunts. “Split up how you need to, but I want eyes on those three runaways at all times.” He makes a pointed show of gesturing to me, Kristen, and Destiny. “When we find the lost children, we’ll continue our trek south. According to my map, there are some mountains there. A cave mouth we could fortify would be great. This could be where we’ll settle permanently.”

CJ coughs and then spits up blood. Tee hugs him to her, sobbing quietly. Owen glowers at me as if I were the one who caused all this.

Theystarted this the second they preyed upon our family.

“Tomorrow, I will take a new wife,” Michael states. “My sons have been so gracious as to offer me theirs. I’ll think while we hunt and come back with my choice.”

The thought of Destiny or Kristen becoming Michael’s wife makes my skin crawl. He’s a heartless monster.

“CJ needs to see a doctor. His eye is infected. If he doesn’t get help, he’ll die,” Tee says shakily, trying and failing to inject firmness in her tone. “I think this is where we’ll split ways.”

Owen dips his head but doesn’t argue with his wife. Michael stares at his brother, waiting for him to speak. When he doesn’t, he calmly walks over to CJ, grabs his hair, and slices a blade along his neck.

It all happens so fast.

I gape in shock as blood spurts from CJ’s neck. Tee and Owen both make strangled sounds. CJ slumps over into Tee’s lap and she attempts to desperately hold his neck together. Owen jumps to his feet, a guttural growl echoing through the trees, and takes a swing for his brother.

But Michael’s quicker.

Stab. Stab. Stab. Stab.
