Page 27 of The Unperfects

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“—Do not,” Ambrose jabs a bean bag at her. “Finish that sentence if you don’t want me to beat your ass at cornhole.”

“You’ve won once!” she yells.

“MB!” Ambrose marches over to an actual honest to God white board that has all the wins and losses written in red.

Ambrose 1.5 wins.

MB Seventeen.

Quinn Seven.


When Quinn releases me, I just have to ask, “How do you win halfway? Like did you get a point, and she felt sorry for you so threw half the game? Or did you just make up new rules, furthermore, I’m genuinely curious why you would write down your shame for the world to see.”

Ambrose slowly turns. “Where did you find her again?”

“Near death experience for both of us.” I nod. “Remember?”

He smirks. “I’m going to start calling you thigh girl.”

I don’t laugh. I just march over and write it on the actual board, then hand the dry erase marker back, slapping it into his hand. “Already done, now should I change your name to pussy or loser? I can’t really decide, what do you think, MB?”

She starts to slow clap. “I knew I liked you.”

“Do you like cake?”

“If you don’t like cake, you aren’t even living. Who doesn’t like cake?” I almost blurt out my twin sister, but keep it on the inside like everything else.

Instead, I just shrug. “Who knows, I was just doing some recon.”

She nods her head. “Nice. We’ll keep you then.”

“Aw, was this a test? Did I pass?”

“Listen,” MB marches up to me and changes Ambrose’s name to PL, aw she made a little name for him then drew a giant heart next to it. “Anyone who can give these guys shit is a friend of mine, because they dish it out like complete lunatics. Wanna be on my team?”

“Hey, wait!” Quinn starts to protest. “Don’t make me be on his team! Don’t do it, you know what happened last time, MB, I swear, I carried that team and you still beat us, he couldn’t even make it in the hole!”

MB grins. “Huh, he doesn’t seem to have trouble with that in other areas of his life, should I be concerned?”

“Like all holes?” I ask innocently.

“Why does nobody want to be on my team?” Ambrose yells. “Fine, no girls against guys shit, I’ll be on Chloe’s team and yes sorry I already knew your name, it was a test and yes you passed.” He sticks his tongue out at MB.

“Stick it one more time and I’ll pull it.” Her eyebrows arch.

Ambrose holds up his hands. “Only if you promise to pull something else.”

“Why.” Quinn asks nobody in general. “And no, you can’t be her partner, she’s my partner.”

“Rock, paper, scissors for her.” Ambrose goads him on.

Quinn’s eyes narrow, he looks ready to punch Ambrose in the chin. “Fine.”

Ambrose chooses Rock.

Quinn chooses scissors. “Son of a bitch!”
