Page 72 of The Unperfects

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Not that I’ve seen it.

Shit, he makes me nervous. “Come in.”

What follows is something that can only be played in slow motion in my head as several other Italians follow him in, all five of them bosses, one’s a senator and the final one to step over the threshold, stops, and turns to me. “We brought the good vodka.”

“Oh right, because I was concerned—about the vodka,” I say sarcastically, the guy has blonde hair and looks like ten years older than me, maybe?

He slaps me hard on the shoulder. “I like you.”

“Play nice Andrei.…” Chase, the state senator and underboss laughs. “…there are kids present, which reminds me, kids!”

What follows that is another dozen or so kids of all ages, some in high school, some littles, and a few more scary ones that look ready to rip my tongue from my throat, cool, let’s party.

Zane rushes toward them and gives Nixon a hug. “When I heard you were close by, I knew you needed to check out the coast.”

“Thanks for the invite.” Nixon actually smiles, wonders never cease, huh?

Chloe comes up beside me. “So, um, remember when we said no more secrets.”

How many weapons do they have hidden, I wonder?

And why am I sweating?

“I have… no words, … actually.” I confess when Zane walks over with Nixon again.

Zane rocks back on his heels. “So I may have called in a favor, they have connections.” Shocker. They have connections. With death. “And had Dr. Nikolai Blazik flown into Portland, he’s seeing Sophie now, he’s been studying her case and thinks there are a few things that could work, it’s worth a shot.”

Chloe bursts into tears and hugs Zane. “Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me, thank the cousin over here.”

Just watch out for pointy things. I make eye contact with Nixon and mouth thank you.

While Sophie’s made huge strides, she still hasn’t woken up and nobody knows why, the doctors and specialists can’t explain it, one even said it’s almost like she doesn’t want to.

The entire case is weird, but if they have someone who’s a world renown doctor like Nikolai, then I have hope.

I know I have even more hope than I did before.

When Chloe comes back into my arms, Nixon looks between us. “So, how did you two meet?”

“A canoe,” I say quickly. Do not look dumb in front of the mafia boss.

Ambrose just happens to be walking by with a bag of chips. “You sit on a throne of lies, it’s like this big scary mafia dude that probably has a knife on him.” Nixon actually bursts out laughing so do the surrounding men that are listening in and suddenly very interested in whatever bullshit Ambrose is about to say. “We went bungee jumping, this dumb-dumb is afraid of heights, we may have tricked him into thinking he wasn’t attached to the bungee, guy almost shit himself, then had a great time, until the band snapped.”

“Snapped!” I feel the need to remind the room, I don’t know why I yell it, the trauma is real.

Ambrose nods and crunches down on a chip. “Right, but the universe had perfect timing because that one right there was rowing her boat and he just happened to fall like two feet into her boat, right between her thighs.”

“Nice.” Nixon nods his head. “Respect.”

“Some might say I fell from Heaven.” I add on.

“Boooooooo.” Chloe does a thumbs down. “You screamed like a girl.”

“Did not.”

