Page 10 of Lion's Prize

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“I am,” I said.

“You’re such an ass. You can’t just let me have my fun.”

“Fuck off,” I said, irritated with the foster brother I had to deal with. I was forever grateful to Hauser for taking me in, but it was a damn shame his death had left me with this piece of shit to deal with for the rest of my life. “You’re the one who invited me along.”

“I didn’t think you were going to steal my fun.”

“I thought you were fine getting some ass for free,” I said.

Dagger whistled through his teeth and leaned against the wall of the building where we waited for Uma to get Kinley for travel.

Cal pulled a face. “If you weren’t the alpha, I would have fucked you up right then and there.”

I growled and grabbed Cal by the throat. I lifted him enough that only his toes scraped the ground, and he clawed at my hand, his face twisted.

Dagger only watched.

“The only reason you’re alive is because I owe it to Hauser to keep you this way. Let’s get one thing straight—we’re not buddies. I’m the alpha, and you don’t talk shit to me. Get it?”

Cal made a gurgling sound. Once upon a time, he’d bullied me and acted like he was the bigger guy, because for a while, he had been. That had been before I’d come into my own, with more power than his. He was a bear shifter, but as a lion shifter, I had more magic. I’d become alpha because I’d had the power to beat the shit out of him when we’d battled it out. He’d cried mercy like a pussy instead of taking the death for what it was.

That was how it worked—when we fought for the position of alpha, it was usually to the death. And since Hauser supported my role as leader, I became alpha.

A part of me wished Cal had never tapped out, so that I could have ended him once and for all.

It wasn’t what Hauser would have wanted, and I honored the former alpha’s memory more than I cared about Cal.

“Sorry,” Cal gurgled like the squealing bitch he was, and I let go of him. He stumbled when he stood on his own two feet again and clutched at his neck.

“You’re a real piece of work, you know that?” he complained in a hoarse voice.

“Why don’t you get out of here, go back home, or find that ass you were looking for or something,” I suggested. He was getting on my last nerve, and if he didn’t remove himself from the picture, I would do the honors myself.

When Cal stumbled away, losing himself in the crowds, Dagger chuckled.

“You two are going to have problems one day.”

“One day?” I asked. “We’re having problems now.”

“Bigger problems,” Dagger said with a shrug. “He’s a pain in the ass, and you have a particularly low tolerance for bullshit.”

“Yeah, well, he’s family, right?”

“I guess so,” Dagger said. “Why did you buy her?”

“Because I wanted her. She’s a rabbit. It will do me good to have an edge.”

But that wasn’t true. I could never support these horrific auctions. When I laid eyes on her, I knew that no one else could have her. The thought of one of those assholes putting their filthy paws on her made me seethe with rage. I couldn’t admit that, though—mostly because I didn’t understand the primal attraction I had to her.

“Is it only about control?”

I glared at Dagger. “Yes.”

But I didn’t want to control her. Kinley’s eyes held fury and strength. Her magic tasted different on my tongue when she was close, and her body… well, there was a lot of carnal shit I wanted to do to her.

I just had to be careful. Rabbits were rare, and there was a lot of magical drama around them. I would get Uma to fill me in before I did anything drastic.
