Page 39 of Lion's Prize

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Braxton was gentle with me. He led me to the bathroom, leaving all the chaos behind in the bedroom as if it didn’t matter, it didn’t exist. He turned on the hot water and checked the temperature, adjusting the faucets so that the water wouldn’t burn me before he stepped under the spray with me.

He held me against him as the water cascaded over our bodies. He caressed my body, stroking his fingertips over my skin. He started at my shoulders, working out the knots of tension, and slowly worked his way down my back.

I leaned against his broad chest, letting him be the pillar of support for me, letting him stand strong so that I could fall apart.

I hadn’t known what had happened when that demon-creature had broken my glass and climbed through my window. I’d had the same dream again, with the darkness outside, the creatures waiting, me calling out to Braxton, and he couldn’t hear me.

And then I’d been awake, standing at the window, and it had all been real.

The creature had slammed its charred body against the glass, breaking it, and rushing into my room.

The only thing that had saved me was shifting. It had happened without me even thinking about it.

I’d wanted to get away from the evil creature with its red eyes and long teeth, but the door had been shut, and by the time I’d reached it, the monster had grabbed my hair from behind.

After that, my rabbit had taken over. My magic had pushed me back so that my human was only along for the ride, and I’d done everything I needed to survive.

I flashed on shards of glass, the pain of them slicing into my palms, the cries of the beast when I jammed them into his body. I felt the pulse of magic with every shift rock through my body again, draining me.

I felt the way that dark hand shot out and grabbed my ears, a sharp pain shooting into my brain.

A shudder ran through me, and I was so cold, even though the water that surrounded us was hot. Braxton closed his arms tighter around me, and his arms were a barrier. With him, right now, I knew I was safe. Nothing would get to me as long as he held onto me.

Braxton’s naked body was slick and muscular against me, and when he moved, I felt his erection. He didn’t make this about sex. He was here for me, to look after me, protect me, help me.

He wasn’t here to claim me in any way, and it meant everything.

When I finally stopped shivering, Braxton took a sponge from the shower caddy and lathered it with soap. Slowly, carefully, he washed me. He washed off all the blood, the aftermath of the attack. He shampooed my hair and rinsed it again. He cupped my face and looked into my eyes, and planted kisses on my temple and my forehead.

Adoration poured from him, so different from the man he’d been since I’d arrived—closed off and pained.

When we were both clean and soap-free, he turned off the water and wrapped a thick, warm towel around me before he wrapped one around his hips, too.

He took my hand and led me out of the bathroom again, away from the carnage in my room. I started trembling again when I saw the blood, the upturned furniture, the beast.

“Jane will bring you clothes,” he said. “Come to my room.”

I nodded and followed him to his room. He had a hairbrush and dryer there, and I went through the motions of combing and drying my hair. I’d finally stopped trembling.

By the time my hair was dry, Jane had brought me something to wear, and I was dressed in leggings and my oversized hoodie that I loved to wear.

Another servant came in with a tray. Sweet tea and cucumber sandwiches.

“I don’t think I can eat,” I said, tugging my sleeves over my hands.

“Drink the tea, at least,” Braxton said. “The sugar will be good for the shock.”

I nodded and took the cup from him when he handed it to me.

We sat together on the bed, sipping tea. Braxton bit into a sandwich, chewing. He’d pulled on tracksuit pants and a t-shirt, but his muscles bulged through it, and he was a sight to behold.

“I’m sorry,” Braxton said before he took another bite.

I frowned. “For what?”

“The attack.”
