Page 50 of Lion's Prize

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She didn’t answer me. I heard her chewing something.

“While you’re here, I want to talk to you about something.”

She still didn’t respond. I frowned.


She straightened out, and I realized it wasn’t Uma at all. It wasn’t the petite, elegant figure of the blonde fae who practically lived in my house. It was a tall, charred monster, that same demon-hybrid creature that had attacked us a couple of days ago.

It turned to me and gurgled, food falling from its mouth.

I snapped into fight mode right away. My magic was at the surface, and I was ready to shift. Before I could attack, I became aware of more movement around me.

Three of them stood in the living room around the fireplace, as if warming themselves in front of a fire that wasn’t there. Another came from the bar area, accompanied by a stiff wind—it had come in through the sliding door, no doubt.

From the front door, two more walked in.

I spun around to head back down the hallway from where I’d come to get to Kinley, but a large one stood in front of me, blocking the way.

“Dagger!” I shouted, and then I shifted.

All hell broke loose. Dagger crashed out of his room, already in bear form, fighting a creature that slashed its claws and gnashed its teeth. So, he already knew.

I attacked the one right in front of me that stopped me from getting to Kinley, but it was so much bigger than the last one, and it tackled me to the ground. My magic was powerful, and I could hold my own in a fight, but the creature was so big, and it wasn’t slow because of it. It moved fast—too fast, almost—and I had to throw everything I had into the fight.

I heard a scream, and my blood ran cold.


I attacked the monster with renewed vigor and did enough damage to slow it down. It bled all over my floors.

The bleeding made it weaker, slower, and the dark magic had a hole in it. I sensed the break in the magic and used it to my advantage, attacking the beast and killing it by breaking its neck with my strong jaws from behind.

The large body fell to the ground like a fallen tree, and I rode it down.

A few night staff were on duty, and they were fighting, too. Everywhere, shifters were either in their animal form or naked in human form, fighting off a beast of some kind.

Dagger had his hands full with another one. He’d mauled the first, but it wasn’t dead yet, and Dagger was struggling with them both. Or rather, one and a half.

Kinley screamed again, but the sound of a monster’s screech told me she was fighting back.

I made it down the hallway and to her room. The door had been shattered. The window was broken, the light curtains ripped and blowing in the wind.

I watched as Kinley fought, and she was a sight to behold.

She shifted with lightning speed, moving faster as a rabbit, becoming human faster than anything I’d ever seen her do before. Her magic crackled around her, holding a warning, and when the beast attacked her, she grabbed onto it with both hands, cupping its giant, ugly face.

As soon as she did, it was as if the creature almost shrunk. It hunched over and became weak, darkness bleeding out of it like tar. I could feel the magic as it drained away, making the creature nothing more than a vampire—no, nothing more than ahuman.

She turned the head so fast, the neck snapped, and the creature fell to the ground, nothing more than a small, weak body still bleeding its tar-like magic onto the floor, running dry.

“What did you do?” I asked, shifting into human form so I could talk to her. I stared at the dead body on the ground.

“I don’t know,” she muttered. “I just… I don’t know.”

Another beast came at us from the window. How many were there?!

“Whatever it was, keep doing it,” I ordered, and I shifted into lion form again and attacked.
