Page 59 of Lion's Prize

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I crawled toward the edge of the room, feeling around in the darkness for the wall until I found it.

The magic pulsed up my arms when I pressed my hands flat against the wall.

I wasn’t sure what I’d done to the monster when I’d been attacked—I hadn’t thought about it then—but I found my rabbit and brought her to the surface. I let my own magic flow through my fingers and into the wall.

At first, nothing happened. I was about to give up, when slowly, the darkness in the room started to change. The darkness drained out of the room so that I could see again. The room came into view like a fog was lifting. It was just a plain room—more like a cell—with concrete floors and stone walls, a wooden door to the side. A small window behind me let sunlight into the room, and it fell in a bright square on the floor.

The darkness had been because of the magic of a spell that had kept me in here.

That spell was broken now. The magic was gone.

I stood and walked to the door, trying the handle. It opened with ease, just like any door without a lock would, and the sunlight from outside poured in.

When I poked my head through the door, I realized I was in a garden shed. The garden around me was unkempt and an eyesore, with tall grass and weeds all over. The house on the other side of the property looked rundown and neglected. Maybe even abandoned, but my shifter ears picked up laughter and chatter from inside.

Behind me stood a fence. The garden wasn’t even walled in. On the other side of the fence was a washing line with clothes on it.

Women’s clothes.

Well, wasn’t that convenient?

I shifted into rabbit form and slipped through the fence, hopping toward the next house. I listened for a sound, but the house was empty.


I shifted into human form, took a pair of pants and a t-shirt from the line, and found a man’s jacket, too. It wasn’t great, but it was better than running around the streets of Portland naked.

I dressed quickly before I crossed the garden and climbed over the next wall. I didn’t have shoes, and my feet were freezing cold, but it was fine. I would figure it out.

From the next garden, I walked to a small garden gate and let myself into the road before I made a break for it, running along the grass next to the road as fast as I could.

The first order of business was to put distance between me and the house before they realized I was gone and used spells to track me.

The second was to find Braxton and tell him what was going on.

Except… the moment I found him, they would find him, too.


I had to warn him some other way. I just had no idea how.

While I ran along the road, covering ground as quickly as my bare feet would allow, my mind spun.

What was I going to do?



The house was in a shitty part of town. I guess it could be expected of demons and monsters to hole up in this dump after what they’d done to my cabin.

I growled low at the back of my throat.

Fuck them.

“Easy,” Dagger said next to me. “They’re almost here.”

I nodded. Dagger had sent out word to get some of my pack members together this morning, and more of them had arrived than I’d thought. After my stunt at the bar where I’d killed Lenox and Rex, I hadn’t been sure what they thought of me.
