Page 61 of Lion's Prize

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I nodded. He was right, but the sooner we could get this over and done with, the better. I just had to find Kinley.

Since the moment she’d been taken, I hadn’t been able to feel her magic. The bond was still there, so I knew she was alive, but finding her had been harder. It was as if she’d been shrouded in darkness.

I’d managed to track her to this place, but where she was on the property was—

“Dagger,” I said and nudged him. “Look.”

I watched as she opened the door to a garden shed and crept out into the sunlight. She looked around, and my heart swelled. She was an incredible beauty. Her milky skin was blemish free in the sunlight.

In no time, she shifted into a rabbit, hopped to the fence, and wriggled into the next yard. She found clothes and made it through the yard and into yet the next one before she hit the road and started running.

“Fucking resourceful,” Dagger said, shaking his head.

I chuckled. “I’m going after her. As soon as I get her, we’ll attack. Wait for my signal.”

“You want to attack even though she’s free?” Dagger asked.

I nodded. “We’re ending this once and for all. They took my mate, Dagger. I’m not doing what my dad did. I refuse to roll over and die.”

Dagger nodded, his face grim. “Then we’ll finish this today.”

I nodded and shifted into my lion form. I ran down the road, following Kinley, who ran on foot, and caught up to her easily. When I jumped in front of her, she skidded to a halt, breathing hard. She blinked.


I shifted. “Kinley.”

She threw her arms around my body. I held onto her tightly, breathing in her scent, feeling her magic pulse.

“How did you get out?”

“I neutralized the power that kept me captive,” she said.

I frowned. “What?”

She shook her head. “There’s no time, Braxton. We have to get out of here. Cal and Niam are working together. Cal wants to kill you and become alpha. He was using me to lead you here so that he could kill you—kill us both. If we get out now, we’ll be okay. We just—”

“We’re not running,” I said firmly. Something snapped inside of me. “If Cal is behind this, then it’s time to finish what I started with him. I’m tired of running.”

“Didn’t you hear what I said?” Kinley cried out. “He wants to kill you! I can’t lose you, Braxton. Not now that I finally found where I belong.”

I cupped her cheeks and kissed her.

“You won’t lose me. I’m not running anymore. I’m going to fight for what’s mine. Come.” I took her hand and led her toward the car parked a block away. “Uma is waiting, she’ll take you away—”

“I’m not leaving without you,” Kinley said, her hand slipping out of mine.

I turned to face her. “Kinley…”

“If we fight, then we fight together.”

I wanted to argue, but Kinley’s power rose around me, brushing up against my skin like fur. It was more powerful than ever. I knew she could fight. I’d seen her do it more than once, and this time, we had the pack at our backs. This wasn’t an unexpected attack that would catch us off guard, and she knew what she could do. She was so powerful now.

“Okay,” I said. “We’ll fight together.”

A steely determination settled in her eyes, and she started undressing, stripping until she was naked. I stared at her perfect body.

Now wasn’t the time, but fuck, I wanted her. When all this was said and done, I knew exactly what I was going to do.
