Page 15 of Pack Politics

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What a fool I was to think that would be possible.

The doctor gets Sloane ready for transport, and together, we head down to a secure exit near the parking garage. We usher Sloane into the backseat of the car with Nate, and Arjun sits in the passenger seat while I drive. I keep my eyes on the rearview, meeting Nate's stare every so often andknowinghe's got something planned.

I just hope that doesn't have anything to do with hurting Sloane.

We make our way toward the safehouse, cruising down the early morning streets of Solstice Bay. It's just before sunrise, the sky tinted magenta in preparation for daylight...but the light is enough that I can see Nate and Sloane's pinkies touching in the middle of the back seat.

Yeah, this is really not fucking good.

Even worse?

The car that's been trailing us since the hospital.

"We're being followed," I mutter.

Arjun turns in his seat to look at me, his eyes narrowing. "What do you mean, we're being followed?" he asks.

I jerk my head toward the car behind us. "That car. It's been tailing us since we left the hospital."

Arjun twists back around and reaches for the gun at his waist. "Shit," he mutters. "What do we do?"

"We can't risk leading them back to the safehouse," I say. "We need to lose them."

Nate speaks up from the backseat. "I can take care of it," he says, his voice low and dangerous.

I glance at him in the rearview, meeting his gaze. His eyes are dark and predatory, and I can tell he's itching for a fight. I can't let that happen. Not with Sloane in the car.

"No," I say firmly. "It's too dangerous. We can't start a fight with Sloane here. Our best bet is to lose them without attracting any attention."

Nate grinds his teeth but doesn't argue. I take a deep breath and try to think of a plan. There are a few back alleys we can take, but I'm not sure if they'll work.

"I have an idea," I say, turning onto a main road.

"What?" Arjun asks, his grip on his gun tightening.

"There's a construction site up ahead," I say. "We can lose them there."

Arjun nods in agreement. "Good idea. They won't be able to follow us through the site."

I speed up, my heart pounding in my chest as I see the construction site looming ahead. The car behind us is still tailing us, but I can see the driver hesitating as we turn onto the road leading to the site.

We drive into the construction site, bouncing over potholes and dodging piles. In the rearview, I see the car losing track of us--and Nate holding Sloane tight so I don't bump her wounded arm.

"Call the Enclave right fucking now," I mutter. "Tell them we need backup."

"Why?" Arjun says. "We lost them."

"No, we didn't," I say. "And there will be more of them; I'm sure of it."

I park the car behind a stack of concrete blocks and turn off the engine. We all sit in silence for a few moments, listening for any sign of our pursuers. I can hear the sound of construction equipment in the distance, but nothing else.

"We should split up," Arjun says finally. "It'll be harder for them to find us if we're not all together."

Nate nods in agreement, and I can see the anger still simmering in his eyes. I desperately want to talk to him, to try to reason with him, but I know there's no time.

"Arjun, you take Sloane," I say. "Stay low and stay quiet. Nate and I will try to draw them away."

Arjun nods, helping Sloane out of the car. I watch as they disappear into the maze of construction equipment and debris, off to find some hiding place whilewefind the ACB folks pursuing us.
