Page 19 of Pack Politics

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"We need to get to the safehouse," he says, his eyes darting back toward me from the front. "You..."

He stops, inhaling heavily.

And his voice is husky when he speaks again.

"Shit, Sloane," he says. "You're in heat."

Chapter nine


Ireallyshould'vegottenbehind the wheel.

I'm in the back seat with an omega in heat...and there are two alphas driving. Sure, this started out as a job with three Secret Service agents protecting a senator, but now we've been reduced to animals.

Except for me, that is.

If I want all four of us to get out of this intact, I have to be smart. I have to somehow convince Nate to get us to the safehouse...and then I have to figure out how to get Sloane isolated from the two of them while she rides out her heat, however long it will last.

I reach over to her and put my hand on her shoulder, hoping it will distract her from Nate and Arjun. I've seen this quite a few times when I was a smuggler for the Enclave--and I know that this is both an omega's greatest weakness and their greatest weapon. Sure, it makes them out of control and horny...but it also makes it to where alphas will quite literally kill for them.

Right now, Sloane is intent on nothing but mating.

And Nate and Arjun are probably interestedonlyin spiriting her away somewhere they can all fuck until she's satisfied.

Her eyes snap toward me when I put my hand on her shoulder, and I find her pupils dilated, her eyes cloudy with lust. At first, I wonder if she's going to do something tome--but I'm just a beta. I need to keep my composure, even if it would feel amazing to...

...fuck, get it together, Milo.

"Hey," I mutter. "Listen to me. You can control this."

She squirms in her seat, biting her lip and making a sound that's borderline pornographic. "I hate feeling like this," she says, her voice shaking. "I don't...I need my suppressants."

"You and I both know it's too late for suppressants now," I say. "You're in it. Ride through it."

She rolls her hips against the seat and I wonder if that was maybe thewrongchoice of words. It certainly doesn't help that this car is fucking full of pheromones.

"That's not what I meant," I mutter. "Just...lean into it. Focus on you."

Nate and Arjun are completely silent, even though I know they can hear us. To my relief, at least it looks like we're headed toward the designated safehouse.

I need to get Sloane to a location where she can finish her heat and be on her way.

It's a bad idea to separate her from the two of them--but it's an even worse idea to let them be together.

"I know how you feel," I say. "It's hard to control, but you can do it. Just focus on your breathing."

"I can't breathe," she says.

"Well...focus on something, then," I say. "Focus on me."

"I can't focus on anything when I'm like this," she says, her eyes rolling back in her head. "I just need..."

"What do you need?" I ask. "I'm here."

She takes my hand, and she keeps her eyes trained on me as she puts my hand between her legs.

"It'll pass faster if I give in," she whispers.
