Page 2 of Pack Politics

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"Try not to look at it that way, Senator Ashford," he replies. "What they really want is you in their hands--and that's only going to happen if we're not careful.

I nod, understanding the gravity of the situation. I know I have to be strong and vigilant, not just for myself but for the whole city. As the first omega in the Senate, I have to prove to everyone that I am capable of making the right decisions.

"I'll do whatever it takes to ensure my safety and the safety of those around me," I say resolutely.

Agent Reeves nods, a small smile forming on his lips. "I know you will, Senator. But you're not alone in this. The Enclave is here to protect you, and we'll do everything in our power to keep you safe."

I take a deep breath and try to push away the fear that's been clawing at me. I have a responsibility to my community, and I won't let them down.

"Thank you, Agent Reeves," I say. "I'll do my best to cooperate with the security detail and follow the necessary precautions...but I am needed in the Senate hall. We're taking a vote in a couple minutes and--"

"Of course," he says, "but you should know...I've been asked by the Enclave to accompany you at all times for the next few weeks--until we've apprehended the people threatening you."

I bite my lip, angry that this is my life. Part of the reason I got into politics is because I don't want omegas to have to live with alphas looming over our shoulders...but I understand that Agent Reeves is just trying to protect me.

"I appreciate it," I tell him, plastering a grateful smile on my face. "If you'll come with me, then?"

Agent Reeves nods and stands up, holding the door open for me. I take a deep breath and step out of my office, my high heels clicking on the polished tile floor. As we make our way to the Senate chamber, I can feel the weight of the stares from my colleagues and staff members. Some nod in my direction, others give me a disapproving glance. But I hold my head high and focus on the task at hand.

As we enter the chamber, the room falls silent and all eyes turn to us. I walk to my seat at the center of the room, feeling the weight of the responsibility on my shoulders. Agent Reeves takes his place behind me, his eyes scanning the room for any potential threats.

I try to focus on the task at hand--the vote we're about to take--but it's hard to shake the fear that's been gnawing at me since I got the first threat. I can't help but wonder who it is, if it's someone I know...if they'll succeed in their plan.

"Senator Ashford!" a voice calls out, and I turn to see one of my fellow senators rushing towards me. Senator Gary Westerland is an older man, and I've never really felt like he's entirely onboard with my presence here--but he's also always been kind, and I'm sure he's harmless. Or at least I was, until I started thinking that my enemy could be anyone.

"Hi Gary," I say with a weak smile. "And please--I've told you before, you can just call me Sloane; we're colleagues, after all."

"Oh, you know I'm old-fashioned," he chuckles. "I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry to hear about the threats. Is there anything I can do to help?"

Reeves is right at my back, practically looming over the senator.

"No, thank you," I say, keeping my voice steady as my eyes flicker back at Reeves. "The Secret Service is handling it, and we're taking all necessary precautions to ensure my safety and the safety of everyone in Solstice Bay."

Gary nods, his expression serious. "Of course, of course. It's just...well, it's a scary time for all of us. We're making history with this Senate, and there are bound to be people who don't like it."

I nod in agreement, grateful for his support. "But we can't let fear stop us from doing what's right for Solstice Bay. We have a responsibility to protect and serve the people, no matter what."

Gary smiles, his eyes shining with pride. "Well said, Sloane. Well said. Now, let's get to work."

As I turn back to the front of the room, I feel a sense of relief wash over me. Gary's words have reminded me why I wanted to be here in the first place--to make a difference, to fight for justice and equality for all. The fear and uncertainty may still be present, but I won't let it consume me.

I focus on the vote at hand, listening carefully as my colleagues debate the issue and ultimately make their decisions. Agent Reeves never leaves my side, and I'm grateful for the sense of security he provides.

As the session comes to a close, I feel a sense of exhaustion wash over me. It's been a long day, and the weight of the threats still linger in the back of my mind.

"Sloane," Agent Reeves says as we exit the Senate chamber. "Do you need a moment to rest?"

I pause, considering his offer. "No, I think I'm okay for now. But thank you for asking."

He nods and continues walking beside me, his eyes scanning the hallway for any potential danger.

"So..." I start. "Now that the day's over, I guess you'll escort me home and...then what?"

He clears his throat. "We'll actually need accommodation at your home--just to make sure you're safe," he says. "The rest of the team is waiting in your office."

I raise my eyebrows. "The rest of the team...?"

"Yes," he replies. "We're going to have around-the-clock security detail. At least until we catch the people who are threatening you."
