Page 23 of Pack Politics

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She's absolutely fucking full.

She's breathing hard against my neck, trapped on my cock, and I can feel our mingled fluids seeping out around my cock, on my lap. She starts purring again and it puts me instantly at ease, and the other two guys come around on either side of her and start to gently kiss her neck.

She's part of the pack now.

I stroke her hair as she falls asleep, and all I can think about is how goddamn happy I am that I took this job. It's not nearly over--we still have to track down the people who have it out for her, and we're nowhere close to out of danger. But all I can think about is how much I care for obvious it is that she belongs tous.

And how much I'm going to hurt anybody who tries to take her away from us again.

Chapter eleven


IwishIcouldjust curl up next to Sloane and fuck her until she's completely satisfied, but we all have work to do.

I can already sense her pheromones ebbing away, especially thanks to the suppressants and birth control stocked at the safehouse. Now that my head is back on my shoulders, I thought I would regret what we did...

...but I don't.

She knew what she wanted, and we helped her through it.

Shetold uswhat to do.

And I really fucking liked it.

The only thing I'm worried about is the fact that Sloane is still recovering from getting stabbed, and that she seems to have forgotten about her injury while we were all going insane together in the living room of the safehouse. She's clearly exhausted now, passing out in the bedroom while the rest of us gather in the living room, just outside the door.

The safehouse is a dainty little place; a cottage on the coast, decorated like a fisherman's shanty. The quaint decor hides the fact that there are cameras everywhere--and turrets, ready to take out anyone who comes close. We're heavily armed here, and I'm grateful that we're safe.

"I can't believe we did that," Milo mutters quietly to let Sloane sleep, raking a hand back through his hair. "What a fuckinghugemistake."

"You really think so?" Arjun asks. "She asked us to do it; and as far as I can tell, she was right. Her heat's already way less noticeable than it was before."

"She's kind of amazing, isn't she?" I ask.

The other two look at me.

I shrug. "I've never met an omega who was so...I don't know, self-possessed? She knew what she needed, what she wanted, and she took it."

"And thatpurr," Arjun adds. "Incredible."

Milo huffs out a breath. "Okay, okay...we can all agree she's fantastic. No one is disputing that. But she's important--more important than any of us. And we have to make sure we don't screw anything up for her."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

Milo looks at me like I'm stupid. I scowl back at him and he rolls his eyes.

"Her whole platform is based on omega independence," he says. "How do you think it would look to the public if the first thing she did when she's around alphas is immediately go into heat and pack up?"

"We're not packing up," I argue.

"We kind of are," Arjun cuts me off. "Don't you feel it, Nate? We're supposed to be with her."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

Arjun shrugs. "I don't know. I'm probably just being crazy. I just...I feel like I'm supposed to be with her. I feel like I belong with her."

"I feel the same thing," I add, nodding. "Ridiculous, right? We've had a big day. Maybe we've just been so deep in her pheromones that we're all delirious. But I don't think so. I really think we're supposed to be with her. It's why we were assigned to her."
