Page 24 of Mountain Defender

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Tripp never expected to be enjoying himself. Least of all when the entire reason for him being with Alexia was to get a closer look at the murder scene.

His new favorite pastime might be annoying the shit out of the woman. She was so easy to taunt and fell right into his trap every single time. Honestly, he’d buy into Rafe’s belief that she was stupid if not for what he saw for himself each time she spoke or even glanced Tripp’s way.

The woman was smart. Clever. And driving him crazier by the second.

After she opened the motel door, he barged in behind her and headed straight for the bed so fast he almost forgot to limp.

He flopped onto the mattress. “Not too bad.”

She reached for the zipper of the coat she hadn’t yet removed in his presence. In seconds, she had the layer cast off and draped on the back of a cheap wooden chair. He didn’t mean to look at her tits, but that was the first place he looked.

His gut stirred at the sight of her breasts—no more than a handful each—and a trim torso that her blouse was surprisingly tailored to.

That shirt should be the only thing she had on. And it should be unbuttoned.

A fantasy of the white cotton revealing a line of bare flesh and skimming the tops of her thighs had his cock swelling with desire.

She waved a hand. “I don’t believe that bed isn’t hard. Just look at it.”

He patted the space beside him. “Test it for yourself.”

Lips compressed, she moved to the opposite edge and sank to the bed.

God, she was so easy to lure in.

Unable to stop himself, he bounced, sending Alexia toppling onto her back. She rolled toward the center.

“You lied to me!” She braced a hand to keep from rolling into him.

He bounced up and down. A spring creaked. “Ohhh yeah, this thing’s seen a lot of miles.”

She threw herself onto her back and glared at the empty spot where a second bed had once been. “Why isn’t there another bed?”

“Look at the ceiling over there.”

She twisted her head to see what he was—a large brown water stain on the aged plaster. “Do you think it’s fixed?”

“No. It’s wet. It’s wet there now. See the carpet is darker?”

She groaned. “That can’t be good.”

He let his grin stretch. “Not as good as this big, comfy bed. We’re going to get so much rest, Alexia.”

She plastered her hand over her face.

With a laugh, he bounced off the bed, grabbed his bag and remembered to limp to the bathroom. “I’m gonna take a shower. If you fall asleep first, don’t hog all the covers.”

A pillow shot across the room and struck him in the back. When he switched on the shower, he was still chuckling.

But the minute he thought of Alexia stripping off her clothes and climbing between those sheets, he sobered.

The woman had guts, he had to hand it to her. Fortitude as well, to deal with him.

But there was the not-so-small issue that she thought he murdered Kelsey’s boyfriend.

If he’d found the motherfucker, hewouldhave.

Even if Caden didn’t kill her, he’d left her alone and vulnerable for somebody else to do the job. Any man who left a loved one unprotected deserved to be buried in a shallow grave.
