Page 73 of Mountain Defender

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Alexia’s brows shot up, but she waited until the woman was out of earshot before saying, “Are you sure about drinking on the job?”

“I’m not on the job. My team’s on an op without me.”

Her brows worked higher toward her hairline. “Oh Bryson, I’m sorry. I’m sure you don’t like sitting out like this.”

“I chose to be here. I didn’t have to come along with you.” He reached to take her hand, chafing his thumb back and forth over her knuckle. “I think we both know we could have left sooner.”

She nodded and squeezed his hand in return.

“Besides, I think Rafe’s trying to give me the time off to get my head on straight.” Whether that was because of his niece or Alexia, he wasn’t sure.

At that moment, a guy approached the table with a tray bearing the wine and two goblets.

Tripp looked him over. He was tall and clearly worked out. He also had that blond hair that swooped in the front.

A fuckboy, Guns would call him if he were here. He’d pointed out more than a few at the bar on a Friday night. The type of guy who thought he was God’s gift to women but disrespected them. From what he’d seen, they cared more about their hair gel than having a personality.

When he stepped up to the table and set everything down, he leaned across Alexia.

Her jaw dropped, and she stared at the guy as he straightened up with a broad smile.

Tripp sent the guy a glare. He wouldn’t have those white teeth very long if he didn’t keep his distance.

“I’m Cole and I’ll be your server. Would you like me to open your wine for you?”

Tripp leveled him in a look. “No, we would not. I’ve got it, Collin.”

“It’s Cole.”

Alexia shot Tripp a sideways glance that told him to behave.

He guessed he’d try. For her.

Cole handed her a menu and looked into her eyes as he told her the special.

“I’ll have that,” she told him.

Cole beamed and looked to Tripp.

“I want a steak I can cut with a butter knife.”

“Good choice.” He returned his attention to Alexia.

Tripp shoved his chair back, scraping the legs on the hardwood floor. When he stood to his full height, towering several inches over this pipsqueak, he gave Alexia a pointed look.

Cole avoided eye contact with him and hurried away.

Alexia tugged on Tripp’s hand. “Sit down! You just had to make a scene, didn’t you?”

He dropped into his chair. “Didn’t you notice him looking at your breasts?”

She tipped her head. “Aww. You’re cute when you’re jealous,” she said in baby talk.

He was done playing around.

“Maybe it’s time you realizewhyI feel that way.”

She straightened in her seat.
