Page 118 of One Bossy Disaster

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It feels too good in the morning heat, too addictive.

It makes me forget that I’m still rolling around the grass and leaves.

Destiny grins up at me. Must be the endorphins, because the last and only time I’ve seen her look this happy was when she was watching the otters.

“Is it too uncomfortable? There’s a blanket in my bag...” She presses her lips against my collarbone, then my neck, working her way back up to my mouth.

“I’m good,” I mutter, pinning her down for good measure.

“Just good?” she teases.

Her mouth is mere inches from mine and I capture every breath.

Shit, I can feel the way her thighs tighten around me, calling me home.

“You knowhowgood, brat.” I press my cock against her as she laughs again.

The uncertainty from before vanishes, and she’s lighter than air.

This time, it’s not the otters putting that giddy smile on her face.

It’s me.

The man who stopped smiling when his marriage blew apart and everybody thought it was blowback for helping rat on my gangster uncle.

The idiot who’s currently doing his damnedest to invite more disaster into his life.

But Destiny is still laughing against me, stamping long, slow kisses up my shoulder.

I reach for her nipple, roll it slowly between my fingers, searching for just the right pressure she adores.

“Oh,” she moans breathlessly a second later. “You can go harder.”

“Harder,” I repeat, something carnivorous grinning inside me.

So she likes it rough, huh?

The lust pulsing through my veins makes me a human hand grenade as I pull her in so I can bite her tits.

The moan that slips through her teeth is the sexiest goddamn thing I’ve ever heard. No question.

“Quiet,” I tease, my voice guttural. “You’ll scare the otters.”


Goddamn, I hate that I like it so much when she says my name.

“I want you inside me again,” she moans.

“Tell me. Tell me what you like,” I demand.

My cock jerks, already aching to fuck her again.

It’s a need so primal it feels like possession but this isn’t the time to overanalyze it.

I want her. I’m going to have her like the greedy prick I am.

That’s all there is to it.
