Page 24 of One Bossy Disaster

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The first time she came at me with her concerns that I might drown was forgivable. Still, the fact that she continued, and the way she kept watching me as I pushed into the waves...


That’s not the fucking point.

“Did you not see her?” I clip.

Hannah’s cool gaze snaps to mine, unflinching.

“I do have eyes,” she says calmly. “She’s quite attractive. Is that your concern?”

“Ridiculously attractive, yes, but that’s not it, exactly.” I inwardly groan, still unsure how to tell her my beef without sounding like a total lunatic. “Also, Destiny is a ridiculous name.”

The tiniest hint of a smile curls her lips. “Well, I can’t be blamed for choosing that.”


I glare at my reflection.

I wish the attraction factor was just convenient cover.

When Hannah first came up with this idea, I never imagined her selecting someone so goddamn gorgeous. Let alone so annoyingly familiar.

Ridiculous name or not, she’s elegant. Polished. Cool and sleek and so simply, yet fashionably striking that she probably turns grown men to stone when they pass her on the street like a little Medusa.

All blonde hair, slender neck, and frosted blue eyes. Model-perfect with a young body shaped like raw temptation.

On Alki Point, I couldn’t see much beyond a pretty face I wanted to evict from my personal space.

It’s worse today when she’s in my office without the wind tossing her hair and a windbreaker hiding her body.

The dress she wore had one of those tiny black belts around her waist, just in case I missed the way her hips curved. Like any hot-blooded man couldevermiss those hips.

Her type of gorgeous has its own gravitational field.

A force of nature I have zero interest in fucking with.

“You saw her pictures,” Hannah reminds me in a tone that suggests she knows I never did more than glance at her résumé and certainly didn’t bother checking out her socials.

“I’m disappointed, Miss Cho. I trusted you to pick someone suitable.”

“And I did. I know you found it—rather unexpected, sir. But appearance was never a qualifier for the position. In fact, I’d argue that her being attractive is an unintended perk.”

“A perk.” I give her an ice-drenched look. “I beg to differ. What about a man? Isn’t there a male influencer somewhere?”

“Not with her followers or qualifications. She’s picture-perfect and squeaky-clean with an innocent, fresh face.”



A fresh face, for sure, forever glowing with minimal makeup. Worse, I’m sure Destiny knowsexactlyhow pretty she is.

The last time I banked on any woman’s innocence, just look how that turned out.

“Not to mention her family connections,” Hannah continues. “The Lancasters—”

“The coffee people? Wired Cup? As in Cole Lancaster?”
