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“There’s the other problem,” Josh said. “He’s flunking relationship one-oh-one here.”

“What the fuck do you know about relationships?” I shot back.

“Enough to know that you not calling for the last week is a big time fuck up.”

His statement was a slap in the face. I’d crawled into a hole and fucked up by not keeping after her.

“He’s right, you know,” Katie said. “That doesn’t send the right signal. If you want to keep her, you can’t break contact like that.”

“I’ll claim I was in the hospital.”

Katie laughed. “Grow up. We’re not in middle school. At least be honest about screwing up.”

“She won’t even talk to me.”

“You need me now,” Josh said.

“How’s that?”

He sat up straight. “This is a marketing problem, and I’m better at that than you are.”

Chapter 34


The call camefrom Lucy at the front desk. “Your morning delivery is here. Gary is bringing it up.”

“Tell him not to bother,” I told her.

“He’s already on the way.”

“Just start refusing them. I don’t want them.” After respecting my wish to be left alone for the first week, the flowers had started. This past week Liam had been out of control.

“I can’t do that.” She sighed. “Samantha would kill me.”

I gave up.

Gary arrived in my doorway a minute later, with Samantha in tow. She had gotten back from a conference yesterday.

“These are beautiful,” she gushed.

“You can put them on the credenza,” I told Gary.

He walked them over and set them down. “I think he really likes you.” Gary, master of the obvious.

“It’s not mutual,” I informed him.

He shrugged his shoulders and left.

Sam walked over to the bouquet of roses. “Lucy tells me you’ve been getting these every day and giving them away.”

“Twice a day now.”

She pulled the card from the holder. “Wow, I wish someone would send me something like this.”

“You can have them.”

They didn’t change a thing; I’d made my decision. I knew what was best for me, and I couldn’t go back on it, no matter how many flowers Liam sent me.
