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“Sunny one so true, I love you…”

* * *


I had a missed call.I held my breath, closed my eyes, and wished for it to be Amy. I opened my eyes. No such luck. The screen told me Uncle Garth had called.

He picked up when I returned the call, and after filling me in on the family, he finally got to the reason for his earlier call. “The Hanson Group has finished the background check you requested on Mr. Hudson,” he informed me calmly.

“And?” I asked.

“It contains quite a lot of interesting material. Mr. Hudson has been a rather busy young man, it seems.”

I waited for the punchline, but it didn’t arrive.

His voice carried loudly over the line as the elevator doors opened. “I will forward you their email with all the particulars. I think you will find it quite interesting. If I may be of further assistance with this matter, you need only ask.”

His statement suggested he thought there was a thread in the material worth pulling to see where it would lead. My uncle delighted in being mysterious.

I knew better than to try to get him to summarize the information over the phone for me. It had never worked in the past.

“Also,” my uncle continued, “your brother William tells me your financing is all lined up, if you would like to give him a call.”

Fantastic news.

“Great. I’ll call him in a bit. And, Uncle Garth, I can’t thank you enough for your help.”

“There is one thing I would ask, Liam,” he said.

“Anything,” I responded.

“Your sister chose a good man. Find a way to make up with Nicholas. I think you will be surprised by the man beneath the surface.”

I had nowhere to hide after his request. “I will. I promise.”

Once we hung up, I immediately began to contemplate how long I could put off my distasteful promise to my uncle.

When I got back to my computer upstairs, the email was waiting as promised: a multi-page report on Matthew Hudson. The first two pages contained nothing substantial. The surprises started on the third page.

After a celebratory glass of wine, I dialed my older brother, Bill.

He quickly confirmed the money I’d requested was ready to go.

* * *


“Another new suit, I see,”Samantha noted.

I still hadn’t retrieved any of the clothes I’d taken over to Liam’s place.

“Yeah,” I admitted. “You like it?”

She took a seat. “Sure… Still haven’t got your stuff, huh?”

“I tried sending Vivienne, and he sent her away.”

“Just tell him to send it if you refuse to go over and get it,” she suggested.
