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“Three,” he countered as he spun me around again.

“Okay, five.”


I speared my fingers in his hair and pulled myself up to kiss my man——no longer my boyfriend, now my fiancé. It had been too long.

He grabbed my ass and pulled me into his embrace. My skirt rode up, and I wrapped my legs around him. Our tongues tussled for position. He tasted of the coffee seasoning on his steak and raw desire. The faint aroma of old leather in his hair took me back to our first night at his penthouse, my first night of primal sex——raw, lust-fueled abandon. The first night of the rest of my life.

Too soon for me, he broke the kiss. “We need to save this for later.” He released me and retrieved the Cartier box from the floor. “Want to try it on?”

I offered my hand, and he slid the massive ring onto my finger.

I gathered up my World Foods letter, and Liam led me out of the room. But instead of turning toward the door, he took me to the Greylock Room.

“I think we’re done here,” Liam announced as we entered.

Samantha’s jaw dropped. “Liam?”

“Hi, Sam. Katie, I’d like you to meet my Amy. Amy, my sister, Katie Knowlton.”

The woman who had introduced herself as Katherine was up quickly to hug me. “Sorry for the bit of theater.”

“Theater?” Samantha asked. But then she caught sight of the ring on the hand I held up, and she rushed to embrace me with eyes the size of saucers. “Does this mean what I think it does?”

“Yup,” I told her as she released me.

Samantha’s brow creased. “Wait a minute——was this all a hoax?”

I offered her the letter. “Yes and no. In black and white, we’re now suppliers to World Foods.”

Samantha scanned the letter, and the concern on her face melted into a wide smile. “This is real?”

“Absolutely,” Liam told her.

Samantha’s expression foretold another twenty questions, if we didn’t leave quickly.

I stepped back. “Sam, I’ll explain tomorrow. Right now, Liam and I have somewhere to be.” I didn’t tell her the somewhere was twenty-six floors up, with a view of the Common.

The fire in Liam’s eyes told me I might need some Advil in the morning to walk straight.

Chapter 36


“You ready?”I asked Agent Dixon.

“As soon as you can verify the subject is in the building,” the FBI Special Agent answered. His short partner, Agent Parsons, nodded but hadn’t said a word all morning.

Nick had called a week ago telling me he had the goods on my mole, but it had taken since then to get the US Attorney for the district of Massachusetts to get an indictment.

Last night I’d gotten my woman back, and today I’d get my revenge. It couldn’t get any better.

The news van rolled up, right on time. They were always into a good perp walk, grist for the evening news. I wanted this to be a public spectacle, lest someone else be tempted to betray me.

I made the call.
