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My mind went in circles as I tried to clear the cobwebs.Gotta call 9-1-1.My phone——where was my phone?


Our phones were charging in the kitchen. What did we have I could defend myself with? I had to get to my phone.

I slid into a T-shirt. Liam always kept his squash racket leaned up against the bureau. I made my way silently across the bedroom. My hand found the racket in the dark. I slid over to the door, listening for any other sound.

Slowly I turned the handle on the bedroom door and cracked it open.

The aroma of bacon surged through the crack. The light was on in the kitchen, and now I could hear the crackling of the bacon in the pan.

What a fool.

Liam was trying to make breakfast without waking me, and all I'd had playing in my head was some scene from a horror flick. We shouldn’t have watchedAlienslast night. Turning on the light in our bedroom, I squinted into the brightness. Slowly, my eyes adjusted, and I replaced the squash racket. The last thing I needed to do was greet Liam with a weapon when he was fixing me breakfast.

“Good morning, Sunshine. Ready for your big surprise?” Liam asked as I padded into the kitchen.

“Bacon and eggs?”

He stirred the pan. “That's just the beginning.”

I checked the clock on the microwave. “At five ten? Why couldn't it have waited till the sun came up?”

He loaded the bacon onto two plates of eggs. “Because we have a long way to go today,” he said, eyeing me. “And, I warned you about coming out here dressed like that.”

He had warned me, and I occasionally enjoyed ignoring the warning and getting the punishment. Braless and panty-less in a T-shirt usually did the trick.

“I’ll get dressed after breakfast.” I came over and brushed a breast against his arm. “I missed you.”

“I’m warning you.”

“Promises, promises,” I said on my way to the fridge. With luck, I might get more than one treat today.

It was too early to go out on the patio. He brought the plates over to the table. “After breakfast might be too late.”

I opened the fridge, but found the vegetable drawer empty. “What happened to my kale?”

The blender startled me as it started up loudly.

“Two kale smoothies coming up,” he said.

I loved that I didn't have to force him anymore. I took a seat across from him after he brought the smoothies over. The scrambled eggs didn’t last long with my appetite this morning.

“So what's the surprise?”

He finished the last of his smoothie. “It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, now would it?” He nodded toward the doorway.

Our suitcases waited near the door. “A trip?” I squeaked. This was getting better all the time. “The Cape?”

All I'd managed to get out of him all week was that he had a surprise planned for me today.

He raised his eyebrows. “Twenty questions won't get you anywhere this morning.”

It had been worth a try, but I rarely got anything out of him. Guessing didn’t work either; his poker face was too good.

He picked up the plates and turned to take them to the dishwasher.

I dabbed the straw from my smoothie glass on my shirt. “Oh look, I got something on my shirt. I’m going to have to wash this right away.” I pulled the T-shirt over my head.
