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Where had that come from? Her sister had thought sex with me would be bad?

“The sex?” I asked.


“You expected sex withmeto be bad?”

“Of course not. This was my first post-divorce sex. Viv said I just needed to get it done. She was right. It’s no big deal.”

Not bad and no big deal?

My balls shriveled up. I thought it had been pretty damned good. I’d given her three orgasms to my one. I thought that was me doing a pretty fucking fantastic job.

I’d never asked a woman why she’d slept with me, and none had ever volunteered it until now. Tonight I was the man she’d used to get over a post-divorce hump.

Normally we would be at her place, and I would be leaving right now, and not having this conversation.

Instead, I checked my nightstand.

I had a brief panic attack. I might be out.

Finally I located them at the bottom of the drawer. I pulled another three condoms out and put them on top, to be within easy reach for later.

I was going to spend the rest of the night convincing Amy I was more thanno big deal.

Chapter 4


I’d textedVivienne this morning while walking from Liam’s Tremont Street building to the MBTA station at Park Street, telling her things had gone well and I was still alive. No need to send a search party to look for my body.

If you measured a random hookup by how many Advil you needed in the morning to walk normally, it had been a great night. I’d popped the pills in the elevator, and now I was doing my best to imitate a normal walk until they kicked in. The man had more stamina than I could keep up with, and I was going to be a very good customer of Starbucks this morning. Dragging a futon into the office for a nap was also likely, if I made it to the afternoon.

Vivienne’s message came shortly after I boarded the Red Line train home for a shower and a change of clothes.

VIV: How well?

ME: Very

My phone rang with my sister’s smiling face on the screen.

“Tell me about it. I want to hear all the details,” she insisted.

A crowded MBTA train was not a place to be discussing my sex life. “No way. I’m on the train home right now. I’ll tell you later.”

“Call me when you get home,” she begged.

“No, I’m running late as it is.”

“Tonight, back at the bar then.”

I adjusted my grip on the rail as the train turned a corner. “I’m pretty tired, and I have an important meeting to prep for. I can’t make it tonight.”

“That good, huh? Then I absolutely have to hear.”

I got her off the phone by agreeing to consider meeting her tomorrow night.

Things at our company had been going fairly well——better than fairly, actually, because we were outgrowing our cash flow.
