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Amy’s eye narrowed. Now she was trapped. “Why don’t you tell them, honey.”

I smiled. “A CD each time of our song.”

Felicia could barely contain herself. “I’m dying to know what song.”

Amy didn’t answer. She forked food into her mouth and looked at me.

“Why ‘Sunny’, of course, because she’s my Sunshine. The Marvin Gaye recording of the song,” I said, leaning over to kiss Amy on the cheek.

“That’s so romantic. That would have done it for me.” Felicia said.

“Not me,” Amy said. “I kept ignoring him. But finally he called.”

I finished my bite of potato. “But you left out a part.”

Amy took my comment in stride. “What did I forget?” She gave me the evil eye.

“You called the police on me for the flowers,” I said. Two could play this game.

Felicia gasped.

Hue kept after his steak, letting Felicia do the grilling.

“Oh, yes, I had to call the police on him, but it wasn’t the flowers. He had taken to waiting for me outside work,” Amy told them.

I had to think fast. “I needed to talk to her, so I would wait by the front door to her office, but she avoided me by going out the back or side doors,” I said.

“He was getting creepy,” Amy said.

“Sounds quite persistent to me,” Hue noted, coming to my defense.

Felicia nodded, seeming to agree with her husband.

“It certainly was embarrassing. I explained to the cops I was waiting for my girlfriend. But they insisted I couldn’t stay.” I hoped we were done with this excursion away from the story we had practiced.

“And just how did you get her name in the end?” Hue asked.

“I came down to apologize for the police,” Amy said quickly.

“She wouldn’t talk directly to me,” I said. “But I got her name from the company badge she was wearing.”

“I wanted to talk to him to apologize,” Amy told them. “But the police insisted on keeping us apart.”

“So I sent twice as many flowers the next day, and called again and again until she agreed to talk to me,” I said, happy we had finally completed the story.

“Quite a journey. I guess it just shows the power of determination,” Hue remarked before finishing the wine in his glass.

Felicia nodded, silently.

“She turned out to be worth every bit of the effort,” I said, eliciting another blush from my girl. “And for this lady, I’d do it all over again in a heartbeat.” I leaned over to offer a quick kiss, which she accepted without a fuss.

“I really do think true love stories are the best,” Felicia said.

I wasn’t sure if she meant true stories about love or stories about true love, but it didn’t matter. We had won her over, it seemed.

Amy’s glance in my direction carried a warmth I could only hope was sincere. She was a truly amazing lady, even if she wouldn’t keep to a simple script.

Felicia raised her fork in Amy’s direction as she finished chewing. “Where did he take you on that first date?”
