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I knew his suggestion was solid as soon as I heard it. “Yeah, I should have thought of him.” Our uncle had contacts spanning the country and the globe. He was my usual go-to helper.

“Two pieces of advice.”

“Yeah?” I asked.

“One, don’t trust anyone. Don’t tell a soul at your company that you’re looking into this. If it leaks out, the guy will go underground and you’ll never find him.”

“Not even Josh?” I asked. This was a big deal. I told Josh everything and always had.

“Not a soul,” he said firmly. “You can’t risk an accidental leak.”

“Except,” I heard Lauren say in the background.

“Except Amy,” he added. “Never keep anything from your girl.”

Uncle Garth had been the only one I’d told about Amy. It seemed he’d decided to broadcast the news to the family.

“That’s right,” Lauren said loudly.

“And the second?” I asked.

“Wait a few hours for the sun to come up out here in California before you call Garth, or you’ll regret it.”

I stifled a laugh. “Sure thing, and sorry I woke you. My best to Lauren.”

We hung up, and I checked my watch. I would not repeat my stupid move.

Three hours later, after going in to work for meetings with Josh and HR, I reached Uncle Garth, and he spent the first few minutes telling me the latest family news.

“Anything yet on Matt Hudson?” I asked.

“I told you it would take some time, Liam. Nothing useful yet. You need to give the Hanson people a chance to do their work.”

I had hoped for something by now. “Just checking. I really called on a different matter,” I told him.

“Yes, Liam, how may I help?”

I lowered my voice. “I need help locating a leak in my organization. Someone here may be giving information to the competition, and I need to catch him.”

My uncle was silent for a moment. “Liam, I only have one contact that can help you with that kind of problem.”

I relaxed a bit. If anybody could help me, it would be my Uncle Garth. “Yes?”

“Your brother-in-law, Nick.”

“Who else?” I asked. There had to be somebody else. I couldn’t ask Nick Knowlton for help——not after what we’d been through.

“Nick is not only good,” Uncle Garth said, “he is quite possibly the best in the country at what you need. I am afraid he is my one and only recommendation. I suggest you swallow your pride and call him.”

“He won’t help me, not after what happened,” I said.

Uncle Garth exhaled a loud breath. “You might be surprised how far a sincere apology can take you. He is family now, after all.”

Nick had married my little sister, Katie, and I owed it to her to patch things up with him. I’d attended the wedding, but somehow the time had never seemed right to pull him aside and make things right with everybody else around. Before I’d gotten a chance, they were gone, and my opportunity had evaporated.

“Do you need the number?” my uncle asked.

“No. I’ll call Katie. Thanks, Uncle Garth. Thanks for everything.”
