Page 37 of Lucky's Streak

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“What the fuck are you doing, baby?” Blow asks but doesn’t stop his woman.

“I’m getting this bitch to tell me where my best friend is,” she answers, and I see the way her hand tightens around Lacey’s throat.

Meadow jerks back, reaches between Lacey and Storm, and presses a blade to Lacey’s sternum. “Answer us. Now.”

Holy shit, I don’t think I’ve seen either woman like this. Then again, they’ve always been mellow compared to my woman, who gets riled easily.

Lacey tries to talk, but with the hold Storm has, she’s not able to get a word in.

“Storm, baby, loosen up so she can talk,” Blow commands, wrapping an arm around his woman.

Storm does as he says, but she completely lets her go. Meadow doesn’t. Instead, she tightens her grip and presses the blade tight against Lacey’s skin.

“Talk,” Nines clips out.

Lacey stares at me with fear in her eyes and her lip wobbling. “She’s being . . . taken to my . . . to my uncle and his business partners.”

“And who the fuck is your uncle?” I demand.

“Hinton. Ruben Hinton. One of the top men in the Crimson Blood Clan,” she answers, and I see red.

Meadow barely releases her before I have my gun out, aim, and pull the trigger, hitting Lacey straight between the eyes.

“Fuck, Lucky,” Blow shouts.

“Fucker, you could have hit . . .” Calyx starts.

“Calyx, he’s one of the best shooters I know, and that’s saying something,” Sniper says, interrupting the other man.

“She got what she deserved,” I sneer.

“Yeah, but we could have found out where to find the fuckwads who took her,” Nines remarks darkly.

“I don’t need to find out. I know who the fuck Hinton is and where to find him.”

That fucker used to come around my parents, constantly wanting them to invest in his companies. So, I know where to find him, and hopefully, he won’t have time to do so much as touch a hair on my woman’s head. But that’s only if I’m lucky to get there in time.

If not, I’ll make sure he pays with his life in the worst way possible and not just the way I intend for him to as it is.

No one touches Lucky without repercussions.



“Time to wake up.”

I jerk awake as something cold and wet hits my face. Blinking, I realize I’ve been splashed with water. Tilting my head up, I find a man standing over me, his arms crossed, behind him several others stand. On either side of me are four goons, two of them the ones who took me from the hospital.


Just fucking great.

How the hell did these guys manage to get me away from the others? I’m sure Lacey, that stupid cunt, had something to do with all this.

Returning my focus to the one I’m sure spoke, I clear my throat. “What the hell do you want?”

Considering the way I’m sitting with my arms tied behind me, my feet secure to a chair, yeah, I’m kind of screwed here. But that’s not going to stop me from giving them attitude. I won’t back down or cave to them. No matter what they try and do to me.
