Page 113 of Under the Stars

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Yes. She’s totally giving off gangster vibes at the moment. You terrify me sometimes, Brinks.


Normally, I’d agree with you, Brinks. But I saw the man. I saw the torment and the hurt. He gave her fucking CPR and brought her back to life. I think he gets a pass while he figures his shit out.


Touché. I suppose he does deserve credit for pulling you out of the freezing cold water, breathing life back into you, and hauling ass down to the hospital. Even mafia bosses can give passes sometimes.

You do realize I’m on this thread, right? I know what he did, and I’m grateful. I’m not mad at Maddox for running. He’s scared, and I get it. I just hope he finds his way back to me.


Should you go find him?

Nope. He knows how I feel. I’m not a mystery in any way, shape, or form. I’ve been honest with him. So, he’ll have to come back on his own, otherwise this will keep happening every time he gets scared.


Fuck. That was deep, girl.


You amaze me, Georgie. I don’t give you enough credit for how much you’ve grown up. I’m proud of you.


Did someone steal Cage’s phone?



Fine. We let the bastard live. For now. But he best figure out his shit quickly.


Or what? Horse head in the bed?


Can we not talk about dead animals, please? I took a few days off work to be at the hospital, and Mrs. Remington has been blowing up my phone with texts letting me know that Mr. Wigglestein was still single. Guess the fuck what? I’m still single. The pug is no different from any other dude out there trying to survive.


The fact that you put yourself in the same league as the pug says a lot. You choose to be single, brother. There is a slew of women who wouldn’t mind being Mrs. Doctor Reynolds.


Wait. If you marry a doctor, you don’t get to use the title of doctor in your salutation, do you?


No fucking way. If you marry a football player, you don’t get to call yourself a quarterback.
