Page 123 of Under the Stars

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I sat back on the large sectional couch and glanced around the room. There were photos hanging on the walls now.

Pictures of my brother and me and even the photo we’d taken at my father’s reception hung in a gorgeous frame on the wall. The photo of my brother and me with my mother was blown up and hanging amongst the others, as well. Photos of Georgia’s family donned the walls, too. But my favorite photo was the one of me and my girl sitting under the stars. It was what we did every night now before we went to bed.

And as corny as it sounded, I thanked my lucky fucking stars every single day for this girl.

For the way she’d breathed life back into me.

The irony was not lost on me. Even though I’d been the one who’d literally resuscitated her, she’d actually been the one to bring me back to life.

“You ready?” she shouted from around the corner.

“Born ready, baby,” I said, using the words she’d said to me so many times.

“Alexa, play ‘Slow Ride’ by Foghat,” she ordered our little speaker in the kitchen.

The next thing I knew, her odd choice of music started playing loudly. It was the song she always played now, since I’d told her that was the day that I’d fallen in love with her without even knowing it. The day she’d danced around my closet like a fucking rock star.

She came around the corner wearing her pickleball skirt, minus the tights, a little white tank top, and my grandfather’s cowboy hat. She wore her infamous wide grin as she strode toward me, and her feet were bare.

She started singing the lyrics to me, and I leaned back, enjoying the show.

She moved closer, climbing onto my lap, one leg moving to each side so she was straddling me.

My hands moved up her toned, lean thighs, and she just continued singing as she smiled down at me.

My fingers moved to the apex of her thighs, and I stroked over her thin lace panties as her head fell back, and she gasped.

We couldn’t get enough of each other.

And it wasn’t for lack of effort.

Her hands found my shoulders as I slipped my fingers beneath her panties.

“You want a slow ride, baby?” I purred, and she bit down on that juicy bottom lip of hers as I stroked along all her wetness as she groaned.

I reached down and shoved my joggers down my thighs, freeing my ever-eager cock, who couldn’t get enough of this gorgeous woman. Her gaze locked with mine, two dimples on full display as she smiled before sliding down my thick erection, inch by glorious fucking inch.

I held her still once I was all the way in, because I just wanted to savor the moment. Because when I was with this woman, I was exactly where I wanted to be.

I’d found my home and my joy and my happiness in this little bundle of a beautiful woman with sapphire eyes, a heart of gold, and the sweetest pussy known to man.

I gripped her hips and helped her slide up and down my erection, slowly at first. I tugged at her tank top and pulled down the straps, needing to see her beautiful body, nudging her bra down as my mouth came over her perfect tits, one at a time. I flicked my tongue at her hard peaks as she sucked in a breath and her head fell back.

She rode me into fucking oblivion.

And I never wanted it to end.

Her hands gripped my shoulders, and I knew exactly what she needed.

Because I knew every inch of this woman’s body.

I moved my hand between us, rubbing little circles over her clit, just the way she liked it.

“Yesss,” she hissed, as she moved faster.

I wrapped my hand around her neck and pulled her mouth down to mine, and I kissed her hard. My tongue slid in and out at the same rhythm as my dick.

She moaned into my mouth just as she exploded.
