Page 31 of Under the Stars

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He held up his hand to her with a forced smile. “It’s fine. Let’s go, Tink.”

He’d started openly calling me by the nickname in the office, and Sydney thought it was hilarious because it was so unexpected coming from him. But no one else commented about it. I think they all knew we worked closely together and we’d formed a friendship.

“Where is the fire? We were talking about the book,” I whisper-hissed after saying goodbye to Helena.

We spent a lot of time together.

He texted me endlessly for things he needed.

Day and night.

He took the position of personal assistant to a whole new level. And patience was not his strong suit.

“Two hours is more than enough time. Come with me.” He was so bossy and irritated most of the time, yet I loved it.

I woke up in a good mood every day.

I’d somehow found my purpose here.

He led me down the stairs, and a few people yelled out to me about the ping-pong massacre today, where I’d literally destroyed Craig as he’d beaten everyone all week and wanted to challenge me for the title once again.

“Get back to work. Ping-pong is over,” Maddox growled.

“Says the man who never plays,” I said, as I followed him out the door and around the building. It was freezing, and he seemed completely unfazed.

He turned and handed me a set of keys, and there sat my piece-of-crap car, looking like it had a massive makeover. Had he painted it? It used to be a faded gray, and now it was a matte black.

“Is that my car?”


“How’d you get it back?”

“I got it back when we were in the city. That night. But it was in terrible shape. Had he stripped the paint job? It was a horrible gray, and it looked like shit.”

“No. That was the way I bought it. Don’t be rude,Money Bags. We don’t all have options about the color when purchasing our first car. But I see you went with black. The color of your cold, jaded heart?” I teased, as I moved around it and glanced inside. “It’s amazing. Thank you. I don’t know what to say.”

“Well, this is thrilling. You’ve never been at a loss for words. Sometimes less is more, Tink.”

“Says the man who publishes words for a living.” I raised a brow and rubbed my hands together as the snow started to fall from above.

He surprised me when he pulled his suit coat off and wrapped it around my shoulders. He could be so grumpy one minute, but then he’d catch me off guard the next by doing something nice.

He’d gone to the city to get my car for me.

Maybe Bossman actually had a heart.



“So,did he just give you the car when you asked for it?” Georgia asked me, as she tipped her head back to let the snow fall on her pretty face.

“He’s pathetic. I could have snapped him in half if I wanted to. So, no, he didn’t put up a fight. He whined and bitched, and I counted to three, and he handed over the keys. I told you… you’ve been dating boys, not men.”

It had been all too easy. The bar that her dipshit ex had been performing at was a leased space owned by Lancaster Properties. I’d made a call and was taken into a back room, and the show was temporarily stopped until after our little meeting. The pussy had cried and said he still loved her. I told him to stop contacting her or I’d be paying him another visit, and I wouldn’t be as friendly next time.

And I meant it.

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