Page 55 of Under the Stars

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I knew that he was hurting because I felt it.

I felt all of it.



I wokeup with a pounding headache and made my way to the kitchen for a large glass of water, two Tylenol, and a hot cup of strong coffee. What a fucking shit show yesterday had turned into. I was embarrassed that I’d been sloppy in front of Georgia and her brothers.

I wasn’t that guy.

I was never not in control.

I knew better, and I’d slipped.

I’d let my father’s shit affect me, which was something I was working hard not to allow to happen anymore.

I pushed to my feet and headed for my closet. I’d slept half the day away, and I needed to pack a bag as I’d be staying two nights with my grandparents. Georgia had done all my shopping for me, refusing to get everyone in my family the same thing. She’d claimed that just because it was an expensive gift, it did not make it a good one. She thought that everyone should receive a gift that was personal to them. So, she’d asked eighteen million fucking questions about everyone in my family, and she’d shopped and wrapped all the gifts for me. They were in a large shopping bag by my front door so that I wouldn’t forget them.

She’d taken care of all the corporate gifts as well as the employee gifts. The girl didn’t miss a beat. I hadn’t had to buy one gift this year, aside from the one that I’d gotten for her. It was the least I could do after she’d done all my shopping for me and organized the office party. So, I’d taken her advice and gotten her something personal that I thought she would like.

I hadn’t given it to her because I’d gotten ridiculously drunk and left it sitting in my desk drawer.

I didn’t want to give it to her late. I wanted to give it to her now. She’d been there for me last night when I’d acted like a drunk asshole.

I tossed my things in my bag and took a quick shower. The hot water beat down on my back, and I pressed my head against the wall as thoughts of Georgia leaning down in front of me, one hand on each side of my face, flooded me.

Those eyes.

Those lips.

I gripped my dick as memories of our kiss invaded my every thought.

What it would feel like to touch her.

And I let myself go there.

Find my release.

I wasn’t proud that I was basically getting off daily to thoughts of my assistant. I hadn’t been with a woman since the day she’d started working for me.

This had never happened to me before, and I was still trying to wrap my head around it.

She’d put some sort of fucking curse on me because I thought of no one but her.

I cleaned myself up, turned off the water, and got dressed quickly.

I sent a quick text to my pilot, Benjamin, to let him know we’d be leaving a bit later than I’d originally planned.

I needed to stop by the office, grab her gift, and figure out where the fuck her family lived because she’d told me that she’d be staying at her parents’ house the next few days with everyone home for the holidays. I couldn’t go to her family’s home without a gift, so I’d need to stop and grab something for them, as well.

I wasn’t a complete asshole.

I never showed up somewhere empty-handed, especially on Christmas Eve.

But there were a lot of fucking Reynolds, and I wasn’t a big shopper, so I’d have to figure something out.

* * *
