Page 122 of On the Shore

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“The article that I’ve written about Lincoln Hendrix is not on the table as part of this negotiation. I’ve agreed to commission that story toFootball Live, as they specifically cover football, and I feel it’s the best place for it.” I reached for my bottle of water and took a sip, waiting to hear if they were going to end the conversation here.

“You know that I read it after you submitted it to me. Obviously, I thought it was very well written. You’ve got a gift for getting the right information from the people you interview. There’s no fluff. It’s one of my favorite things about your work.” Audrey smiled. “And I agree thatFootball Liveis the best place for that particular piece. You know that we don’t specifically cover one sport. We focus on athletes. Menandwomen. All sports are on the table.”

I nodded. “It’s what I liked most when I interned here. I want to be very upfront so that there are no secrets between us. I am also in a romantic relationship with Lincoln Hendrix. I won’t be conducting any further interviews with him moving forward. We have a personal relationship, and I want to protect that. So, if that is an issue at all, there is nothing further to discuss.”

They glanced at one another and smiled.

“I like your fire. And dating a professional athlete is not easy. Marie can vouch for that.” She smirked.

“My husband is Mike Cabo,” Marie said.

“The basketball player with the most points scored last season?”

“The one and only. I use my maiden name at the office, and I understand what it means to prioritize your relationship. I respect that more than you know.”

“So, this just means that we now don’t cover the GOAT of the NFL, nor the MVP of the basketball courts.” Audrey chuckled. “Lucky for you both that I like human stories and so do our readers. We want to find the underdog who overcame a lot to make the team. The athlete who never gave up and found success in a sport where no one thought they would. Does that still appeal to you, Brinkley?”

“Very much so,” I said.

“I was worried you wouldn’t want to relocate out here, but seeing as Lincoln is living here, I think we actually may have a chance with you.” She smiled.

We spent the next three and a half hours talking about our love of sports and the athletes that have inspired us. Audrey and I took turns trading stories about our favorite articles to date.

I knew I’d found my new workplace home when I left the office.

It felt right.

I’d met several of the people who worked there, a few that I’d known from years ago, and others that had joined the team since I’d left.

They made me a wonderful offer. I’d taken the contract with me to look it over and agreed to come back the following day to sign and make it official.

Audrey and Marie both hugged me goodbye, as they really didn’t stand on ceremony here.

It was my kind of place.

I knew I’d thrive here, and that was exactly what I was looking for.

And it didn’t hurt that it was based in the city where the man that I loved happened to live now.

I took the elevator downstairs and dropped to sit on the bench in the large lobby. I pulled up the family group chat and sent a message.

It couldn’t have gone better. They were amazing. It’s exactly what I was looking for.


I knew it! You just needed to find the right place, Brinks. Did you sign with them?

I wanted to play a little hard to get. I said I’d bring it back tomorrow.


Atta girl. Kicking butt and taking names. Proud of you. Have you told Lincoln yet?

He’s my next stop. I want to tell him in person.


Fix things with him. The season starts soon.
