Page 130 of On the Shore

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“I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that,” Grant said as he and Dad snuck up on us, and we all laughed at the warning look that he shot Cage.

“You all knew she was coming, didn’t you?” I asked.

My mom and Jenny nodded and spoke at the same time. “We did.”

“Are you kidding? These two always know what’s going on. I wasn’t told until ten minutes ago,” my father said. “Apparently, they thought I would slip and tell everyone.”

“You’re a little loose-lipped.” Hugh chuckled. “If I want to know anything, you’re the one I go to.”

“What? I’m a vault.” My father held his hands up in defense.

“Dad, you’re a vault with a broken lock. But I’m grateful. I never know who the fuck is pissed at me and what I did. I can always get you to tell me.”

“Well, there’s a strategy there. I’m a peacekeeper.” My father winked at my mother.

“A very handsome peacekeeper.” Mom waggled her brows, and Cage rolled his eyes.

We were all chuckling and having a good time.

“Who the fuck is this?” someone hissed, and I whipped around to see Jessica Carson in a black-sequined gown that hugged her curves all the way down to the ground. I imagined the woman couldn’t eat so much as a single pistachio wearing that dress. Her breasts looked painfully lifted, and her strides were short due to the mermaid-style fitted gown, but it was clear she was on a mission. Her makeup gave her an airbrushed look, and even though she had the features of a gorgeous woman, she looked a bit scary at the moment.



A little off-kilter.

“Oh my God. It’s Jessica Carson,” Tia whispered with her eyes wide as saucers. “She was the lead in my favorite Disney show a few years ago.”

“She doesn’t look like a Disney character right now. She looks kind of terrifying.” Lincoln leaned in and kept his voice low.

“Likeboil-a-bunny-in-the-pottype of unhinged, right?” Cage said. “This is why you don’t dunk your pen in the company ink.”

My parents and the Murphys weren’t listening to us; they were too busy watching the scene unfold in front of us.

In the middle of the lobby of the most popular theatre in Los Angeles.

We were early, and Finn would have to step back outside and walk the red carpet soon. He’d just met us here before everything got started.

“He slept with her?” Lincoln asked, keeping his voice low.

Hugh leaned in. “He technically didn’t sleep with her. They hooked up one time. He got some red flags and backed way off.”

“Well, there’s a little bit of a gray area there,” Cage reminded him, and we all grew quiet when she stopped in front of them, and Finn set Reese’s feet on the ground.

“This is my best friend, Reese Murphy. And you need to pull yourself together. This is a big day for both of us. Let’s tone down the outbursts, yeah?” Finn said, which, for my brother, was about as harsh as he got.

He usually let things roll off his shoulders. But he’d always been different when it came to Reese.

“Hey, Jessica. Congrats on the show. I know it’s going to be a huge hit. I can’t wait to see it.” Reese extended her arm.

Jessica looked down and glared at her hand before Reese pulled it back to her side. “Listen,bestie. He and I are walking the red carpet together.Because we’re together. So, there will be no public hugging and carrying on amongst you two. You got it?” she seethed.

“I wish I had some popcorn right now,” Cage whispered, and Lila swatted him in the chest.

“She definitely gets right to the point,” Maddox said, and his brother barked out a laugh.

“That’s one way of saying it.” Wyle smirked. “She’s fucking unhinged.”
