Page 70 of On the Shore

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“I can name several. He’s a freaking football star. He’s moving across the country. We annoy each other daily.”

Georgia studied me for a long moment before she spoke. “You really like him, and you’re afraid of getting hurt. That’s new for you, isn’t it?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Come on, Brinks. You’ve never dated a man who challenged you. You tend to date really passive guys who you tire of quickly. But there’s no risk there, is there?”

“Yeah, I have to agree. That Kaeran guy had the personality of a snail,” Lila said, and she and Georgia broke out in a fit of laughter.

“What are you talking about? Obviously, I prefer to date guys that I don’t fight with. That’s sort of a good thing.” I chuckled and looked up when Lincoln said my name.

“That’s just the arrogant football player bragging about how you’re getting all these job offers because you’re so talented. He’s such a pig,” Georgia said, making no attempt to hide her sarcasm.

“The nerve of him.” Lila smirked.

Thankfully, my mother called us all to the table for dinner.

“Okay, enough of this conversation. Let’s go eat. I’m starving.”

We all sat around the table, and my father looked so starstruck it was difficult not to laugh.

Lincoln sat beside me, with Cage and Gracie on the other side of him. Hugh and Lila were directly across from us, and Georgia and Maddox sat beside them with Wyle on the other side of them. Finn was next to me, and my parents were each at the head of the table.

We passed the platters of chicken and mashed potatoes and corn on the cob around the table as Gracie asked Lincoln several questions about football. It was adorable the way he answered each one as she listened intently.

“I want to thank you for what you’re doing for Lionel,” Hugh said as he passed the rolls to Lila. “He worked with me this morning, and he was all excited that you texted him last night.”

“What is he doing for Lionel?” my father asked.

“He’s helping him out with the hope that Lionel can continue his football career in college. Even if he just walks onto a team, it would be good for him to go away and experience college. The dude has been working for a long time, and he deserves a chance to just be a normal college kid, and if he got to play for a team, it would be the icing on the cake,” my brother said.

“He’s a good kid. I’m happy to help.”

I glanced over at him. “Did you speak to the coach?”

“Yeah. He’s going to reach out, and he passed his name to a few other programs.”

Wow. He’d really followed through. I was impressed.

I hadn’t realized he’d made the call.

“So, Lincoln, I don’t know a whole lot about you outside of being a football star,” my mother said as she scooped some salad onto her plate. “Are you married or dating?”

Leave it to my parents to make things completely awkward.

“Mom,” I groaned. “We work together. That’s not something you should ask.”

Everyone chuckled, and my mom smiled at me.

“Brinks,” she mimicked me, and there was more laughter. “You spend every day with this man, you just flew across the country with him, and he’s at our home for dinner. This is called small talk, my love.”

“Grammie loves small talk,” Gracie sang out, and I sighed.

“Actually, Alana, it’s funny you should ask. I’m not married, but I am trying to date your daughter. She’s just putting up a big fight because she’s a bit stubborn, which I’m guessing isn’t news to any of you?”

No. He. Didn’t.

The table was silent as they all tried to hide their smiles, which was not the norm for a Reynolds’ family dinner. My eyes probably doubled in size as I gaped at him.
