Page 9 of On the Shore

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I think she got fired.


Well, she shouldn’t have followed you into the shitter.

I scrubbed a hand down the back of my neck, letting out a long breath I hadn’t even realized I’d been holding. My mother had been a single mom, and she’d worked her ass off while trying to raise me at the same time. That had been a driving force in my signing with the NFL and being able to help her out and take that pressure off her shoulders. And I sure as shit was not a guy who wanted to cost anyone their livelihood.

I’m not a complete dick. I wouldn’t want to be the reason anyone lost their job.


How do you know she got fired?

I just ran into her. Here. She fucking lives here.


She does? What’s her name?

Brinkley Reynolds.


Holy fuck. She’s a Cottonwood Cove Reynolds?

What the fuck does that mean?


Everyone knows the Reynolds. Their kids are all rock stars, and they're practically royalty there. Her brother opened a big restaurant that people from the city drive to because the food’s so damn good. And the family owns another bar and a restaurant, I think. One of the brothers is an up-and-coming actor. Someone’s a doctor. One does something in the book world, and now that you mention it, I think one of them is a journalist.

Great. You sent me to a town with the woman I kicked out of the press conference and proceeded to get her fired? And her family is practically fucking royalty here?



Relax, brother. Keep a low profile. It’ll be fine. Do you want me to try to call her boss and get her her job back?

Do you know who she even worked for?


No. But I can find out. You’re Lincoln fucking Hendrix. You got her fired. I’m sure we can use your name to get her rehired. I like seeing this human side of you. The one where you feel bad when you’re an asshole.

Fuck off. I’m not a total dick, am I?


Do you want the truth? You do pay me to tell you that you’re amazing.

Then why do you constantly tell me I’m an asshole?


Kidding, brother. You’ve got the biggest heart around. You just hide it really well. I’ll see what I can find out.
