Page 35 of Hunter

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“Ah, shit. I’m sorry, Hunter. I’ve been meaning to come and speak to you about it, but I’ve been out of town on business. I know it’s not allowed, but I owed him a favor. You have nothing to worry about. I stuck to his side like glue the entire evening and made sure he didn’t break any protocols.”

“I trust your judgment, Garth, otherwise you wouldn’t be a Senior Master at the club. I just wanted to know who he was since he wasn’t signed in or registered as a guest.”

“I know. He arrived late, and I didn’t want to disrupt the parade that was already in progress, but I did obtain a signed NDA. I just gave it to Matilda’s assistant. His name is Rocco Butler. He helped me out on a Sunday a couple of months ago when I had a problem with my home network. We met years ago at a conference and became friends. Well, not friends as such, more acquaintances, but he’s a nice guy.”

“He’s in the computer business?”

“Software engineering design and maintenance, as far as I know.”

“The name sounds familiar, but I can’t place him. What company does he work for?”

“A medium-sized firm called DevelopMate. It’s a family business that has been handed down from father to kids. Rocco apparently owns some shares as well and he’s a personal friend of the CEO.”

“Thanks, Garth. I just wanted to ensure our tracks were covered as far as the NDA is concerned.”

“I understand and I apologize for overstepping. I know guests aren’t allowed on parade nights. Now that I’ve paid my dues to Rocco, I can assure you, it won’t happen again.”

“Am I right in assuming he specifically asked to be a guest at the club on parade night?”

“Yes. I have to admit I found it strange since he wouldn’t have been able to participate in the inspection and scening of trainees.” Garth frowned. “Come to think of it, he didn’t really seem all that interested in the parade once he got here, except for…” He hesitated briefly. “Except for the redhead you claimed. Once he heard that you as the Master Dom could be challenged and the trainee got to choose who to scene with, he asked if he could issue a challenge.”

“Did he indicate that he knew who she was?”

“No, I don’t believe so. I think in general, he’s just a very competitive person.”

“Not the kind of Dominant I would trust with our sub members, Garth. Perhaps you shouldn’t invite him here again.”

“Yeah, I just came to the same conclusion.”

Hunter discussed a couple of other club matters with him. As soon as he left, he called Matilda, who was at her job at Ground Zero offices.

“Matilda, I need you to dig up everything you can on Rocco Butler, as well as the company he works for, DevelopMate Software Engineering. I especially want to know if there is any association between him and the trainee who calls herself Lillian Pringle.”

“On it, Boss.”

In her usual abrupt fashion, she ended the call. Hunter shook his head. Matilda was one of the best IT specialists he had ever worked with. Hacking was second nature to her. She could get into networks and servers and dig up information on the dark web in her sleep.

“I’m sorry to bother you, Master Crow, but there is a woman at the front insisting to speak to you. She waved a reporter badge in my face.” The front desk receptionist, Jill Carter, twirled her fingers nervously once she handed him a business card. She was very young and although he has been kind and generous toward her, she remained cautious of him.

Hunter groaned. He didn’t have the time or the patience to deal with a nosy twit after a juicy story. There was still a lot of hype and resistance against BDSM clubs which was why he ensured they followed all the legal routes to keep out of trouble. Even with all the precautions they took, there was always someone looking to find dirt on a celebrity or a politician. Kink wasn’t everyone’s taste, nor did many people understand it, so targeting the pleasures people chased to make a buck or get on the front page of a tabloid was always a challenge he had to deal with.

“It’s fine, you may send her in.”

“Peyton Jackson, investigative reporter for CNN,” he read the details from the card. “Must be after a story involving a politician,” he scoffed.

Not bothering to get up, he waved the gorgeous auburn-haired beauty sauntering into his office to a chair. She carried herself with a natural grace that was doused in uncouth sensuality.

“What can I do for you, Miss Jackson?”

“Master Crow, is it?” A dimple flashed in her cheek as she regarded him with an unblinking stare. “Perhaps we can kick off our association by sharing real names?”

“Again, what can I do for you, Miss Jackson?” Red flags whacked Hunter in the face. Learning that Rocco Butler worked for his opposition and shortly thereafter an investigative reporter waltzed into his office wasn’t a coincidence. Maybe his identity as the owner of Ground Zero had somehow been compromised.

“Very well, Master Crow it is.” His eyes followed the feminine elegance with which she crossed her tanned legs. “I’m following up on an allegation we received. As an investigative reporter it’s my duty to confirm its validity before writing an article.”

“Quite rare to find reporters who still do that. Cut to the chase, Miss Jackson. Spit it out. What do you want?”

“A certain Miss Leigh Simms made some serious allegations against Stone Rothman, who, as I’m sure you know, is a much-loved celebrity and actor in the States.” She flashed a toothy smile. “Also, one of your friends, I’ve been told.”
