Page 50 of Hunter

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“Because Rocco told him she couldn’t carry on with the sham they had thought up and had gone on a vacation to the Caribbean to think about her future.”

“And her brother believed him? Without contacting her to confirm if she was okay?”

“He had no reason to doubt him.” Hunter checked his watch. “It’s all beside the point. The important thing is—shit!” he cursed when his cell phone vibrated in his pocket. He took the call before the first ringtone sounded, only realizing as he swiped his finger it was from the same unknown number he had been ignoring. Pointing at the cabin, he exhaled slowly. “Sutton, speaking.”

“Ah, finally the high and mighty Hunter Sutton decides to answer his phone.”

“Who is this?” Hunter decided to play it dumb to see how far he could push the bastard before he totally lost it.

“Come now, it’s only been twenty years since we last met. Don’t tell me you forgot me so quickly.”

Hunter didn’t respond. He was known in the industry as the kind of man who didn’t suffer fools easily, and he wasn’t going to discount that reputation by sparring with someone he supposedly didn’t know.

“Ah, playing hard ass, I see. Well, let me put you out of your misery. It’s me, your good friend, Mark. Remember me now, asshole?”

“Of course, the lazy bastard who preys on the success of others. Not even ten million dollars could give you enough of a boost to get your useless carcass out of the hole to start working like the rest of us.”

“Fuck you. You think you’re better than others… better than me, but you’re not. It took me years of careful planning, but the time has finally come to turn you into a destitute bum, and do you know what I’m gonna do once you don’t have a fucking penny to your name?”

“Do tell.”

“I’m going to laugh, spit in your face, and give you ten dollars. Ten fucking measly dollars.”

“All this because I gave you a shitload of money instead of a job?”

“Your supposed humanitarian gift was nothing other than a way to mock me. You humiliated me, you motherfucker. You gave me that money to spit in my face, prancing about that you succeeded, and I failed. Well, I’m no longer a failure. I’m going to become you, Hunter Sutton. Ground Zero is going to be mine. Every fucking dollar you have in the bank is going to be mine.”

“Good luck with that, Mark.”

He barked out a demented laugh. “Oh, I already made it happen, my dear friend. You see, either you give me what I want, or your little submissive is going to become shark bait.”

“I’m sorry, you must be mistaking me with someone else. I don’t have a submissive.”

“Don’t fuck with me, Hunter. I know you fell for Lilith. Everyone could see it that first night at the club already. I knew you would. You forget I lived with you for two years. I know exactly the type of woman you like.”

“You’re wasting my time. Lilith was kicked out of the academy because I found out she wasn’t approved for the parade. She means shit to me. If you want to feed her to the fishes, be my guest. Now, you have to excuse me. I have a date.”

Hunter ended the call, smiling at Reece as a loud bellow followed by breaking glass from inside the cabin shattered the silence.

“We better get in there, before he takes his anger out on Lilith,” Hunter’s voice thickened with concern.

“I’ll take the back; you take the front.”

“Let’s go… and Reece… Butler is mine. You get Lilith out of there and to safety. You leave him to me.”

“That man is very clearly a psychopath, Hunter. You better be careful.”

“You should know better than to worry about me. I’ve done quite a couple stints on ops with you and Stone.” He checked his watch. “Two minutes and we breach the doors. Go.”

The two doors gave way under the strength of their boots at the same time, causing the man in the process of destroying everything he could get his hands on to freeze.

“What the fuck!? How did you find me? You fucking bastard! I’ll kill you!” With one smooth move, Rocco unsheathed a K-bar knife and charged Hunter, who easily sidestepped him.

“You fight the same way you live your life, Rocco Butler… without any finesse,” Hunter mocked. He ignored the painful moans from the room next door where Reece was unchaining Lilith. “Still the same coward you have always been. Chaining a woman half your size to a bed?”

“Fuck you!” Rocco charged again, but this time he slammed back against the wall as he ran into Hunter’s right hook.

“Better hurry up, Hunter. She’s in a fucking bad state.”
