Page 3 of Bren: The Getaway

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“Would you two like a drink?” I ask as I place Bren’s coffee on his desk.

“They’re not staying,” Bren clips, making me narrow my eyes on my rude husband.

I turn to Paige. “Ignore him. He’s upset I didn’t suck his cock this morning.” Paige’s mouth drops open in shock—at Bren’s attitude, I’m sure.

“Sky!” Bren snaps, making me turn my head over my shoulder to him glaring at me.

My tongue doesn’t stop there. “He didn’t get sex last night either, so he’s pretty angsty this morning.”

Oscar’s lip turns up at the end, and I smile softly in his direction. “I’ll go make you a drink.”

Bren’s grumblings follow me as I leave the room, and a grin stretches my face at how grumpy my husband can be.

It’s a good job he makes up for it in other ways.


“I could hammer a fucking wall with how hard my cock is, Sky. I need sorting out in the morning.” I groan as my wife sashays out the door.

As soon as the door closes behind Sky, Paige bursts out in a fit of giggles, and I throw her a glare.

“I got two mini-mes in bed with us every fucking night. Just you fucking wait until your little mastermind is born.” I slink back in my chair, grinning smugly at Oscar and Paige. They have a rude awakening coming, that’s for sure. My brother is into some freaky shit. If he thinks he’ll have time for all of that when their child prodigy is born, they can think a-fucking-gain.

The door opens and Seb comes into view, making a beeline for Oscar. For some reason my son is obsessed with my brother who struggles to give him anything but a sneer.

Seb has a mushed-up banana in his hand and marches toward Oscar making grabby hands.

I move quickly around the table, scooping him up and making him burst into a fit of giggles. “Come on, little man, go find Mommy.” I open the door and place him down. “Go find Mommy.” I point toward the kitchen, then swiftly shut the door and drop back into my chair.

Paige clears her throat and pulls her shoulders back as though gaining some inner strength. “So, I was thinking, to make things easier on you and Sky.” She bites into her lip with uncertainty. “Why don’t you let me and Oscar take the kids overnight.” My eyebrows shoot up. “It’ll do us all good.” Her eyes drill into the back of Oscar’s head, giving me the true reason behind her offering to take our kids. She wants Oscar to gain some hands-on experience before they have their own. So far, he’s kept his distance from all his nephews and nieces, apart from Reece of course.

Oscar’s spine straightens and his pupils dilate before he slowly turns in his chair to face her with a menacing gleam in his eyes. “No.” His voice is stern, dark even.

But Paige waves her hand around like she’s shooing a gnat. “Nonsense. The boys will love it, and it’ll allow for Bren and Sky to have some alone time before they add to their brood.” She smiles toward me, making me grin from ear to ear.Alone time. I like the thought of that.

A lot.

“When would be best for you, Bren?” She stares at me with hope in her eyes while Oscar looks like he’s seething with rage, threatening to erupt at any minute. I swear he must be doing his breathing techniques with how fast his chest rises.

I clap my hands together. “Now. Sky!”



When Bren told me he was taking me away overnight without the boys, I couldn’t believe it. I told him how worried I was about them not having milk from me, so he got one of his security men to go out and get me a pump.

We pull up at the familiar quaint hotel complex where we got married, and excitement bubbles inside me. I love it so much that Bren bought it for us.

“You happy, baby?”

“Very. Thank you, Bren.”

“Good girl.” He gifts me with a smile, and when I glance down, his solid cock is already straining his pants. My gaze travels over him. The way his shirt strains against his thick muscles and how he’s unable to tug his sleeves all the way up due to his thick forearms has me pooling with arousal. His whole body seems to fill the car, making me feel even smaller, and I love it.

I love how he cares for me and protects me.

He opens his car door and comes around to open mine, something he always does, then he holds out his hand. When mine slips into his, sparks flare through my body, forcing our eyes to connect. His soften as he gently pushes me against the car. “Fuck, baby. One whole night just for us.”
